1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an epoch.
2. extremely important, significant, or influential.
1. a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events, etc.: The treaty ushered in an epoch of peace and good will.
2. the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of anything: The splitting of the atom marked an epoch in scientific discovery.
3. a point of time distinguished by a particular event or state of affairs; a memorable date: His coming of age was an epoch in his life.
4. Geology. any of several divisions of a geologic period during which a geologic series is formed. Compare age (def. 12).
5. Astronomy.
a. an arbitrarily fixed instant of time or date, usually the beginning of a century or half century, used as a reference in giving the elements of a planetary orbit or the like.
b. the mean longitude of a planet as seen from the sun at such an instant or date.
6. Physics. the displacement from zero at zero time of a body undergoing simple harmonic motion.
The skies surrounding Jamestown in "The New World" are almost invariably flat and colorless, a condition that unfortunately also describes the storytelling and dramatis personae in Terrence Malick's new picture.
While the tale of first contact between Englishmen and the "naturals," as the Brits felicitously refer to the Native Americans, might seem to play to the strengths of the meticulous and unhurried director, Malick's exalted visuals and isolated metaphysical epiphanies are ill-supported by a muddled, lurching narrative, resulting in a sprawling, unfocused account of an epochal [historical] moment.
The support of Malick loyalists notwithstanding, New Line will have trouble generating more than a modest commercial response.
That night at the beachhouse they consummated their [marriage].
Kate Winslet, as the [un]consummated love of Jack's youth,
by the time of [consummation], with Brad Pitt now [in] full physical glory and Blanchett [at] her womanly peak,
and its [consummation] is followed by the equivalent of a dropped curtain,
and splicing of Broadbent [into] color TV broadcasts is well done.
and it was beautifully spliced [into] the sentimental efficiency of the whole story.
They'll be spliced in [June].
Victor routinely leaves mid-meeting to copulate vigorously in the bathroom with fellow attendee Nico (Paz de la Huerta).
where she [falls] under the benevolent tutelage of a Method acting coach
His knowledge of Spanish increased under private [tutelage].
Well, it's a little strange to be travelling with a chaperone.
They dote [on] their youngest daughter.
the pic spends an unexpected amount of time with ex-con Ronald, whose [doting] mother
Slimmed down, [cosseted] in a couture salon, and given more of the brittle