1. any of various alloys fused and applied to the joint between metal objects to unite them without heating the objects to the melting point.
2. anything that joins or unites: the solder of their common cause.
–verb (used with object)
3. to join (metal objects) with solder.
4. to join closely and intimately: two fates inseparably soldered by misfortune.
5. to mend; repair; patch up.
–verb (used without object)
6. to unite things with solder.
7. to become soldered or united; grow together.
Scripted by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Robert Rodriguez (Desperado), the film can best be described as a Mexican road picture turned self-conscious vampathon with a droll postmodern [slant]. Remarkably, the narrative consists of two contrasting types of films crudely soldered [together].
potassium 鉀
permanganate 高錳酸鹽 and a bottle of potassium permanganate solution.
sodium 鈉
tungsten 塢
nitrate 硝酸
silicon 矽 I'll get her silicon implants. an anatomically correct [silicone] doll as his girlfriend,
silica 二氧化矽 I meant to tell you, silica packets in the bulk containers will keep things crunchy.
entropy 熵 dereliction and an overall sense of entropy.
He worries about carjackers in San Diego and uranium poisoning in New Mexico, George, it only takes about 10 tons of yellow cake to produce enough uranium for a single nuclear weapon. 鈾
That's what they all say, Marco. Some wicked shit got sprayed on you guys during Desert Storm. Besides all the depleted uranium, I mean.
He could have been chloroformed. 氯仿,三氯甲烷
Those slight burns around her mouth and nose were caused by chloroform.
And at home, in one room, alone in the center in the room, the hand in formaldehyde, with a plaque: My hand 1940-1972. 甲醛
We had biology together. He used to [sniff] formaldehyde.
endorphin 腦內啡 Orgasms release endorphins. Endorphins kills pain.
glutamine 穀胺醯胺 How about some glutamine blocker like Memantine?
lithium 鋰 Now, with lithium, which is, in fact, a naturally occurring salt, I can stay on a perfectly even keel.
strychnine 番木虌鹼 I had saved an envelope with enough strychnine in it.
terpene 烯
ketone 酮
iridium 銥
halogen 鹵素 In one night scene lit by car headlights, the "headlights" are actually just two [halogen] work lamps mounted on a C-stand.
Liquid helium. These guys are funded. 氦
Rach, I forgot to tell you. Carol got the helium tanks.
They use the ratio of platinum and palladium. 鈀
So we're ready for the argon. 氬
I regulated the O2 tank, took some dramamine, and tried to sleep. 茶苯海明,抗暈劑
but the small tank of medical grade nitrous oxide would be needed on the other side. 氮,亞硝
Out of lovem, throw nitroglycerin bombs. 硝化甘油
Nothing will grow here. There's just a trace of carbohydrates. All the nitrogen is locked into the nitrates. 氮
ln that case, you better have explosive bullets. l can prepare a handful for you. Glycerin or mercury? 甘油
They steal a [catalytic] converter for its platinum, and [plunder] a refrigerator for its freon. 二氯二氟代甲烷
a performance artist who wears blue, green or yellow lipstick and whose art involves hammering nails into a corpse at the Palladium. 鈀
The "Meths drinkers" are extreme, down and out alcoholics -- what Americans might refer to as "skid row" bums. They drink '[methylated] spirit', or "wood alcohol", which is very cheap, a poisonous variety of alcohol used as a fuel for lanterns and stoves and as a cleaning fluid and solvent. 甲醇化物
You can't miss him. His leg's bound in polythene. 聚乙烯
You, Ransome, with your trick carnation thw spite cyanide. 氰化物
lysergic acid
It's vaporised lysergic acid. It's highly explosive. (麻醉藥物) 麥角酸
I'd been up all night, scrubbing the carnage off the linoleum. 亞麻油地氈
Do another toast, Dad. Okay, uh... They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum. But it's cool to the paw. Try it.
McDonald’s Recalls 12 Million Shrek Glasses [Containing] Cadmium. 鎘
SPOILER: The movie is based on two real life twins, Stewart and Cyril Marcus. The two were found dead in their apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Their deaths were due to [withdrawa]l from barbiturate addiction. The story is told in the novel "Twins" by Bari Wood and Jack Geasland (published 1977).【化】巴必妥酸鹽
A few of these guinea pigs survive, Burned with phosphorus. 磷,磷光體
How do you know that? Liquid paraffin. Came up positive. 石蠟【化】鏈烷,烷屬菸
It took a mere three minutes to substitute petrol for the paraffin in the darkroom [lamp].
No matter how much lotion I put on these things there's still just cracks. It's just, Maybe I should go see that what's-her-name over at the spa. Get a paraffin dunk or whatever.
The giant "wooden" crucifix in the opening scene is actually made from styrofoam and was painted to look like wood. 泡沫塑料,聚苯乙烯
what's most striking about the film is its brilliant imagery and inventive use of sound. In one scene, Anne searches frantically in the darkness for Ben using only a butane lighter. 丁烷
Nobody talked to her, but the entire football team would heat up coins with butane lighters, and flick them at her as she walked through the hallways. Burning currency bounced off her like hail.
We should do an enzyme peel. We get all the, and then get all the dead skin off. It kind of looks like you've been hit by a truck right afterwards, but in the end it's worth it.【生化】酵
And where's your time machine? Inside me. Oh! That's handy, isn't it? Is it like a little pill? Uh, no, it's hard-wired into my bones which have been replaced with a polymer composite. So it's flexible, but very standard issue. 聚合物
They're loaded with asbestos. 石絨,石棉
I cased the Noel Town bank. I rented an acetylene tank for the cutting torch. 乙炔,電石氣
Want to hear one of my ideas for a perfect murder? The "Iight socket in the bathroom"... or the "carbon monoxide in the garage"? 一氧化物
The bottle of tetracycline on her bureau top. Tetracycline's specific for the clap. 四環素
The neighbor's dog was sick one day and the only thing I had on hand was a packet of tetracycline for my chickens.
Once they were in the chamber, how long did it take? Five minutes? God, no. The prussic acid... took about l5 minutes. But the monoxide... could take an hour, sometimes more. 氫氰酸
I'm making hot dogs and hungabungas. Who wants what? It's too hot. I don't eat gluten, Paul. 穀蛋白黏膠質
The opening narration "When morals decline" "evil flourishes" "doomed" "never lower our guard"'s like cement pouring until you totally buried in its [oppressive] bromides. 溴化物【美】【口】陳腐庸俗的話
Where's the propane? Over here! 丙烷
Kat's boyfriend is taking her to Paris for the weekend, and mine is taking me to a disused quarry! It's a flooded quarry. It's lovely. (採) 石場,露天礦場
Do I give a shit when two major comic labels are crossing over characters, and selling two editions of the book in varied-ink chromium covers? I'm a girl, damn it! 鉻
I had just sold a trusting gentleman a few shares in a radium mine, and I was trying to parlay my [luck]. 鐳
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 04:10
Solder (續:化學兄弟 單字大集合)