1. a druggist; a pharmacist.
2. a pharmacy or drugstore.
3. (esp. in England and Ireland) a druggist licensed to prescribe medicine.
Last night we went to Kiehl’s’ celebration of their refurbished East Village flagship store, which they wisely renovated to more closely resemble its original apothecary feel. Chloë Sevigny, a longtime Kiehl’s devotee and downtown poster girl, was on hand to host, wearing a black Opening Ceremony mini-dress (natch) and totally inspiring for spring electric pink lipstick. (Also, her cute brother Paul DJ’d the event.)
–verb (used with object)
to furbish again, renovate, brighten: to refurbish the lobby.
It was a scam, lady. I'm an evil, scheming douche bag. 灌洗器
Grandier's chief accuser, sees herself licking the blood off Christ's (Grandier's) hands, exorcism by [enema], tortures, vomiting, and the final [immolation]. 灌腸,灌腸劑 (器)
What do you think that catheter was? 導尿管
The forceps. Quick. Wake up, Serge. Wake up. (醫用) 鑷子,鉗子
They had to use forceps to get you out! What's that? You didn't want to come out so they had to force you.
Blond chick? she's about 5'6", splint on her arm? 夾板
Brad Anderson hurt his [back] during filming and directed much of the film while [lying] on a gurney.
particularly once the [resourceful] Hayley discovers her captive's secret [stash] of homemade child porn and gets to work with a [hospital] gurney, a bag of ice, and... that scalpel.
We'll need a gurney out here. There's a kid. I think it's bad.
The Surrogate is the true story of Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes), a California-based journalist relegated [to] a gurney and [iron lung] because of disabling polio. (醫院裡推送病人用的) 輪床
When they wheeled her in, she still had some crusted on her nostril. They take swab of that. Pharmaceutical quality.100% pure. 醫用海綿
If I inject this needle, the skin acts as a kind of a swab.
He'd strangle in his own spit if I wasn't here to swab his throat out.
Did you have any reaction to theinoculation?【植】接芽【醫】預防接種
Doctor... Where's your helmet? I don't wear a helmet in the hospital. Start. I can't use my stethoscope when I'm wearing my helmet. Well... then cut two holes in your helmet so that you can. 聽診器,金屬探傷器
the method of treating disease by the use of agents that produce effects different from those of the disease treated (opposed to homeopathy).
the method of treating disease by drugs, given in minute doses, that would produce in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease (opposed to allopathy).
I was hoping it would have a homeopathic effect on your mood. 順勢療法的
Never mind chips. There down at the infirmary.
whose young suburbanite hero [fits] the type of pharmaceutically enhanced searcher-seer previously established from American Beauty to Garden State.
a pharmacist or a pharmacy
Last night we went to Kiehl’s’ celebration of their [refurbished] East Village flagship store, which they wisely [renovated] to more closely resemble its [original] apothecary feel.
His conversation had told me where I could probably find the opportunity to kill him. Dr. Hallward's dispensary had provided me with a means. 診療所,藥房
Get me some atropine. 阿托品,顛茄鹼
Geometry Now Rare. diamond (def. 8)
Or, if that's too [oblique] a reference for younger readers, then let's say that Christian Bale was inspired by all of humanity in the days prior to the invention of the [throat] lozenge. 錠劑
His wife, Joan, becomes addicted to Bill's bug powder dust, and soon he joins her in a world of unorthodox hallucinogens, 迷幻劑
I had my face done. I had my breasts done. I had my ass done. I got some procaine and silicone, some nipping and tucking. 普魯卡因 (局部麻醉藥)
"admitted taking massive dose of anabolic steroids, druds banned in sport."
Do I need to have been on steroids for a long time to even apply?【生化】類固醇
If you guys think this means I'll step into a ring, you're wrong. You'd better put some iodine on them cuts. 碘酊,碘酒
Shouldn't a doctor look at him? Pay five bucks and some iodine and aspirin, he'll mend.
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 07:14
Apothecary (續:醫療器材 醫藥分業 單字大集合)