vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. 懶洋洋地倚靠(或躺等)[Q]
She was lolling on a sofa, with nothing to do.
2. 懶散地閒蕩[(+about/around)]
loll around in the sun
3. 垂下;(舌頭)伸出在外
The dog's tongue lolled out.
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 把(舌頭)伸出
The dog is lolling out its tongue.
2. 把(頭或四肢)懶洋洋地依靠著
His happiest moments are his days spent lolling on the beach in male company and having indiscriminate sex everywhere and with everyone. One of his first boyfriends, Pepe (Andrea Di Stefano), a handsome bisexual stud and heartbreaker (who later betrays him), is held up as Arenas's erotic ideal, a rampantly priapic force of nature.
see lull