–verb (used with object)
1. to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.
2. Statistics. to estimate (the value of a variable) outside the tabulated or observed range.
3. Mathematics. to estimate (a function that is known over a range of values of its independent variable) to values outside the known range.
–verb (used without object)
4. to perform extrapolation.
Nolan certainly seems to like repeat players, his own little rep theatre of recurring faces.
Does this [lend] any credence [to] the rumors about Marion Cotillard, who we already know has been cast in Inception, having a slink-suited turn as Catwoman in her future? Well… not yet anyway. Might just be worth an early bet if you can find a bookie willing to take it.
Most details of Inception are still shrouded in big-budget mystery, but the odd little tidbit bubbles up. It has been recently described to me as “Christopher Nolan’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind“, but that’s still pretty vague and, possibly, part extrapolation.
If you know Nolan’s debut feature Following, you’ll be familair with his enjoyment of up-ended and scattered narrative structures. Inception seems likely to [follow] a similar strategy, if only because of the “dream logic” stories about the mind typically observe. Great - another nine months of arguments with my students about plot holes and inconsistencies that we just can’t agree exist or not.
overtures of [peace]
a [shy] man who rarely made overtures of friendship.
Bettie's life is heavily determined by her unguarded acceptance of [proposals] made by men during chance encounters. One such key [overture] is made on a beach by a black cop who [dabbles] in photography.
Just give me the facts, not a [whole] megillah.
which serve to remind us how typically commercial the [whole] megillah is.
Seven of these have appeared under the magazine’s [rubric] "Shouts and Murmurs,"
Act Three, Scene Five of "Macbeth" is an interpolation, an [addition] to the Shakespeare play from another script.
As vivid and suspenseful as Roman Polanski has made this claustrophobic tale of a torture victim turning the tables on her [putative] tormentor
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 02:35