1. causing amazement; astounding; marvelous: stupendous news.
2. amazingly large or great; immense: a stupendous mass of information.
1. extraordinary. 2. colossal, vast, gigantic, prodigious.
Terrence Malick aims for a kind of psychological realism through poetics in this stupendous reexamination of the Pocahontas myth. From the opening, when a group of frolicking Powhatan natives spy the approaching ships of Captain Newport (Christopher Plummer) from the future Virginia's verdant shores, it's clear that Malick is less interested in historical accuracy than in a ground-level positing of how colonization was emotionally experienced when Jacobean England discovered a "new world."
overcome with surprise and bewilderment, astound
Miranda, flabbergast[ed], denies any knowledge of such events,
I'm flabbergasted about the statue. Aren't you flabbergasted about this?
They [stood] aghast at the sight of the plane crashing.
Her mother, Marietta, [is] simply aghast that Melody would marry someone who is not only decades older, but Jewish as well.
The trip goes poorly very fast, with Alicia questioning Sarah’s friends and looking increasingly aghast at their interactions.
causing amazement, astounding, marvelous
a stupendous [mass] of information.
Terrence Malick aims for a kind of psychological realism through poetics in this [stupendous] reexamination of the Pocahontas myth.
a sudden, passing sensation of excitement, a shudder of emotion, thrill
For all the head-scratching it might inspire, the [cryptic] final frame is perfect in its own way, lacing a parting frisson of mysterious transcendence to Dumont's brutal and taxing vision of humanity.
does anyone remember when Brolin was still cavorting [around] in films like Hollow Man? I do *shudder*
Haneke seemed to suggest that recent cinema has cheapened such [slaking] of emotion into a near-pornographic fake: we are crazed and cheered by [shuddering] events that have no authentic claim upon our feelings.
Yet what makes the film so gorgeously [affecting] is its [summoning] of a difficult to grasp intensity beneath its [placid] surface, where emotional extremes take on a supernatural [aura] and [hover] in the chest like a [thick] tremulous cloud.
Issac is not lacking [in] his own fetish objects for recovery, most notably a pair of magical shoes that send tremors of [feelings] up his legs so that he can finally stand on his own power,
How Melville renders that [fatalism] not as a [grind] but as a source of tremulous [suspense] is a miracle that I find difficult to explain.
The details of that tragedy are too [lurid] to mention.
It's certainly full of [incendiary] moments; surprising deaths blend into [lurid] and uncomfortable sex scenes, then into [vitriolic] bursts of racism, all with a disaffected resignation that's bracing.
For the first half hour, Quid Pro Quo [flirts] with the kind of sexual perversity that fueled Crash, David Cronenberg's lurid 1996 film about a subculture of auto-erotics,
And usually the laughs are [grisly]; we [wince] at the same time.
that he causes a [grisly] limb-severing accident.
he later lands jobs as a police photographer—his crime-scene snaps a [grisly] parody of his youthful [shutterbug] enthusiasms—and as a suspect-stomping cop.
a quick, witty, or pointed remark or retort
a piece of electrifying news
produces startling results
Their zingers slide out with the [precision] of sitcom punch lines.
she at simultaneously warding off and attracting male attention with British-accented [zingers]
gobsmacked, slang (Brit) astounded, astonished
There’s reportedly a wider range of aesthetics in the Imaginarium sequences than on display here, but even these are gobsmacking.
a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion, dismay
Agatha's death in the film caused some consternation for Alec Guinness.
The fact that auteur Darren Aronofsky will soon direct The Wolverine for Fox has [caused] some consternation amongst [on]lookers.
Consternation reigns.
To Alicia’s consternation, Sarah has agreed to take part in a rural retreat with friends.
I can't do that. Why? I got nyctophobia. What? Fear of the dark. (精神分析) 黑夜恐怖症
from the German word "kaputt" (broken, in pieces, out of order)
How about my office, 30 seconds? All right. Hank, the super at 111 Riverside says the boiler's really kaput. He needs you to... Hello?
shockingly dreadful, horrible
I think about my life. And is that horrendous for you?
overcome with fear, intimidate
lessen the courage of, dishearten
and sufficiently daunting [on] practical grounds so that the movie wasn't seen in the USA in anything except 16mm prints for the first 33 years of its existence, until 2009.
slay, slew, slain
His [comic] routines just slay[ed] me!
because The Octopus and The Spirit apparently cannot [slay] each other,
A [slain] cop is [re]surrected as a masked crime-fighter in "The Spirit,"
a subtlety or quibble
Those who are afraid of turbulence, always use patriotism as the quillet.
Construction [workers] throw themselves from scaffolds. Policeman shoot themselves. The deaths are blamed on a "terrorist attack," but in fact no one has the slightest clue, and New York City is evacuated.【建】鷹架
He is brought up by Squire Allworthy and leads a [rollicking] life in which women play a prominent part before he finally escapes the [gallows] after a frame-up. 絞刑架
Apoorly made bed means 20 baton blows. Call no attention to yourself. Make no sign to the gods. They have their gallows, their sacrificial ground.
I'll tell you who time gallops withal. "With a thief to the gallows, for though he tread as softly as foot can fall, he thinks himself too soon there."
In the old days, the executioner kept the common herd in order. When he stood on his gallows,|you knew God was in His heaven, all right with the world.
to public derision
The candidate [mercilessly] pilloried his opponent. (古代刑具) 頸手枷
Although neither novel is even [remotely] pornographic in the [current] sense of the word, they were censored, banned and [pilloried] when they were first published - attacked by men who feared that such ideas could lead anywhere, could lead even to women demanding the vote.
Schumacher may not be committing the same [overblown] sins for which he has been [relentlessly] pilloried (Batman & Robin, 8MM), but his [push] in the opposite direction is just as curiously misguided.
was now being pilloried in the media as so much ungrateful petulance.
McQueen doesn't [shirk] the political and moral complexities of Sands' stance, which get a through [grilling] here in a protracted dialogue between
which shows them contemptuously [grilling] would-be roommates,
He hobnobs a bit [with] a nice old waiter who mutely attends his aunt, brings her bottles of brandy, and helps her when she has a [racking] cough.
Oh, turn the main switch off, you'll electrocute yourself.
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 20:21
Stupendous (續:驚嚇 刑具 單字大集合)