"After xXx (2002) came out, because of all the publicity, I was wearing Prada and going to the gym, and I had an agent in LA and all this shit that I've avoided for years. I felt that was expected of me, that I had to be a sexy bombshell. I started receiving all these offers for these kick-ass chick sort of roles. But it didn't make me very happy, to tell the truth, and after giving birth, it all felt different. I don't mean to sound like a bourgeois moralist, but it's true - I started thinking, 'What is Anna [her daughter] going to think?'".
以上段落大意約莫 Asia Argento 當完馮迪索女郎,片約變多讓她不太開心,並擔心女兒認為老媽被物化。Asia Argento 每次中文宣傳都會有新名字,還是最喜歡"艾夏亞珍朵"。Zooey Deschanel 也有類似困擾,個人偏好"柔依迪香奈"。Emily Mortimer 得翻成"艾蜜莉莫特美"才行!
很少討厭一部電影,討厭到去 IMDb 給一分的程度,滿腦肥腸如豬玀馮迪索,身著難看皮褲和皮膚病刺青,用科學怪人嗓音說難笑笑話。黑人小胖可愛多了!本片除了艾夏亞珍朵出現的片段得到救贖,馮迪索進入壞人頭目俱樂部居然演奏起黑獄亡魂 主題曲!
- Mar 02 Sun 2008 17:52
XXX for Asia Argento (27)