a soft murmur; whisper.
Stylistically, there's little new here that hasn't been seen in his two previous color films, "Clouds of May" (2000) and the 2003 Cannes prize winner, "Distant."
Story takes place during three seasons (summer, autumn and snowbound winter); the quality of the images is remarkable, with only one brief night shot hinting at pic's HD origins;
and the soundtrack is immensely detailed, from the soft crackle of burning tobacco to the susurration of a summer breeze.
She showed no interest in him at all initially, which makes sense because he's a completely uninteresting guy. But for someone like Von Sloneker, that's just inciting. so he swung into action with a full rigmarole about how he...
As prolix as they may be, [Rohmer's] movies are neither theatrical nor novelistic.
Darnley himself was something of a piffling [lightweight] -- [talented] only at indolence and drunkenness.
Paul Benjamin, Frankie Faison and Robin Harris as the [funny] trio of kibitzers on the block,