1. a short and witty or sarcastic saying or writing.
2. Journalism.
a short news story, often used as a filler.
3. a small firework, consisting of a tube or ball filled with powder, that burns with a hissing noise terminated usually by a slight explosion.
4. a firecracker broken in the middle so that it burns with a hissing noise but does not explode.
5. Australian. a coward.
6. an electric, pyrotechnic device for firing the igniter of a rocket engine, esp. a solid-propellant engine.
7. Obsolete. a mean or paltry fellow.
1. ridiculously or insultingly small: a paltry sum.
2. utterly worthless.
3. mean or contemptible: a paltry coward.
–verb (used without object)
8. to write squibs.
9. to shoot a squib.
10. to explode with a small, sharp sound.
11. to move swiftly and irregularly.
12. Australian.
a. to be afraid.
b. to flee; escape.
–verb (used with object)
13. to assail in squibs or lampoons.
14. to toss, shoot, or utilize as a squib.
Related forms:
squibbish, adjective
Rodriguez fixed this in editing by "double-cutting" the gun firing then cutting to the bad guys getting squibbed with machine [gun] sound effects.
A pellet gets her right on the aese.
Boni, a dreamy 19-year-old kid in Marseilles, shoots his [pellet] gun at a neighbor's cat, but has [untapped] reserve[s] of romanticism and tenderness.
I went back to the crime scene. Founded a cartridge case. A Norma.
Actually, what can be stolen from you? Nothing at all and occupy here. Just because you have a musket? 毛瑟槍,滑膛槍
Oh yeah, didn't you kill the Pope or something? I got a musket tangled in my girlfriend's hair, for Christ's sake.
The label of one, Napalm Girl, features a [silhouette] of the famous Vietnam-era photo of the girl running naked from her [napalmed] village.【化】納旁,汽油膠化劑
Watching the spectacular Wagnerian helicopter [napalm] scene from Apocalypse Now,
was critically wounded during battle in Iraq yesterday, by shrapnel from a [grenade] thrown by a soldier in his own unit. 砲彈碎片,榴霰彈
One hot piece of shrapnel and the gasoline explodes.
This is no manoeuvre. This is the real McCoy. Look out for falling shrapnel. Keep under cover. Blackout and curfew restrictions will be [rigidly] enforced.
The curious death of Caine's brother [triggers] his departure from London, where he is a key [torpedo] for gangsters Terence Rigby and John Bindon, to his Newcastle home, 魚雷,水雷
Louie expresses particularly strong interest in [nabbing] sadistic mob [torpedo] Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark, in his chilling screen debut),
Forget about makeup. The important thing is the skin. lt must look gray and tired. We used a trick in the army to fake illness and get out of fatigue duty. Can you get hold of some cordite? 線狀無煙火藥
Two Texas towns have been [nuked],
and post-apocalyptic universe in which Abilene, Texas, was [nuked] on July 5, 2005.
Just one other thing. The letter I wrote you. Could you rip it up? Nuke it. Destroy it. It hurts me to know it's out there. Could you do that for me?
Hey, is that a bazooka? That's a heat-seeking ground-to-air rocket launcher from Syria. 長號式樂器
You should have somebody besides you to take some of the flak in case this thing blows up.【軍】高射砲
The [handful] of surviving humans have taken refuge in an underground [missile] silo and argue and yell at each other like players in a Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode. 青貯窖,筒倉,飛彈發射井
Set in a claustrophobic underground [missile] silo long after the zombies have taken over the surface, it [populates] its creepy milieu with two competing factions: soldiers and scientists.
that they're strafed by U.S. [bombers] only adds to the solipsism.
No, no. No misunderstanding. We're supposed to have Allied air cover and we don't. German planes are strafing my troops.
director Paul Thomas Anderson and his crew tested the pyrotechnical [effects] of the oil [derrick] fire
Blithely he sets a [detonator] under his ex-wife's bed in the gleeful expectation that it will cause an [explosion] when she and her lover lie down.
While preparing for the climactic [demolition] of the city walls, a technician mistook a signal from Ken Russell and [detonated] the explosives before the cameras were rolling. A large [chunk] of the set had to be rebuilt.
The minister fulminated [against] legalized vice.
the movie fulminates with [inchoate] thoughts and proceeds with more energy than coherence.
a short and witty or sarcastic saying or writing
cutting to the bad guys getting squibbed with machine [gun] sound effects.
For most of the killings they used a gun that essentially [fired] fake blood at the characters instead of squibs.
Some of the morning papers carried a little squib about Eve's performance, not much, but full of praise. 寫諷刺短文攻擊
Sir, von Rundstedt's thrown another panzer division against Bastogne.【德】【軍】裝甲的
When we took 10th Panzer, Rommel was in Berlin with an earache?Severe nasal diphtheria, sir.
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 12:30
Squib (續:槍砲彈藥 單字大集合)