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2010-09-18 凱西與他的鳳凰姻親兔唇哥:Casey Affleck made a documentary about Joaquin Phoenix 20100816 (24) (2)
2010-09-17 [輕電影] Dandelion (2004) 關鍵字:泰倫斯馬力克 20100815 (0) (3)
2010-09-12 Vincent Gallo:叫我第一名! (2) (2)
2010-08-13 The Room (2003) by Tommy Wiseau 爛 片 界 的 大 國 民 (113) (1)
2010-08-11 [訃聞] The Enigma of Bruno S. (1932~2010) 關鍵字:荷索、賈斯伯荷西之謎、史楚錫流浪記 (31) (3)
2010-08-05 Xavier Dolan's Top 10 Criterion Collection (3) (2)
2010-08-01 [愛國] Vive L'Amour (1994) & Rebels of the Neon God (1993) (15) (5)
2010-07-29 [過期] 全面啟動:稻草人與忍者大師要保密。Inception is no exception!!! (25) (6)
2010-07-20 Vincent Gallo:叫我塔利班! (0) (5)
2010-07-06 10 things i hate about matthew mcauley (6) (2)
2010-05-14 [傳承] 請給小克業務代理人很多點鼓勵! (2) (1)
2010-05-06 Georgy Girl (1966) remember Lynn Redgrave 1943~2010 (6) (5)
2010-04-25 Vincent Gallo:他們都遜斃了!而且柯波拉電影要在台北電影節上映哩!!! (4) (1)
2010-04-05 [scenes] 2. 現在的陽光剛剛好。 (1) (0)
2010-04-04 [scenes] 1. 妳大概很難想像我有多討厭煙味。一點珍西寶。20070619 (143) (4)
2010-04-04 The Difference Between Geek, Nerd, Dork and Dweeb (2) (3)
2010-03-15 [金馬] 波蘭斯基竟然比布紐爾的《青樓怨婦》更早挖掘出法國第一美女凱薩琳丹妮芙冷豔下的變態潛力。 (4) (2)
2010-03-12 [教育] Kathryn Bigelow Cameron & Carey Mulligan (3) (7)
2010-02-18 Krysten Ritter: "She looks like a young Mia Kirshner." (13) (2)
2010-01-25 Spike Lee:黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (下) Malcolm X!Malcolm X!Malcolm X! (24) (1)
2010-01-25 On Jan 17 2010, Chloë Sevigny was awarded the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Supporting R (0) (0)
2010-01-15 Spike Lee:黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (上) (86) (1)
2010-01-09 [點歌] 筆者正過著妓女般的生活。Everything Will Flow by Suede ♥ (9) (7)
2009-12-31 [少聰] 莫文蔚是華語界的蕾姬魂小克 (Chloë Sevigny) (1) (2)
2009-11-28 [空軍] Jacques-Yves Cousteau:The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is inspired by (8) (4)
2009-11-27 [花蓮] To be a hardcore Godard fan!Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Mieville & 90's nostalgia (7) (4)
2009-11-27 領略中產階級拘謹的魅力後寫給布紐爾之悔過書:The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) Delphine Seyrig 1932~1990 (27) (8)
2009-11-27 The Go-Getter (2007) introducing Lou Taylor Pucci, remember Judy Greer 新增:柔伊迪香奈leggy魂!!!0703 (11) (7)
2009-11-27 Manic (2001) back when Joe first met Zoe within (500) Days of Summer & 風中殘燭歌詞中文翻譯 2009/07/22 (6) (17)
2009-11-27 [道德] Roman Polanski:我愛小蘿莉!& An Education pour Carey Mulligan 2009/10/25 (2) (12)
2009-11-27 Nicolas Duvauchelle, Beau Travail & Nénette et Boni by Claire Denis!!! 2007/04/09 (6) (5)
2009-11-27 [良知] Roman Polanski:我不是犯人!2009/10/02 (7) (3)
2009-11-20 [蕾姬] L'Officiel (Fr) November 2009 (0) (5)
2009-10-28 [日舞] [金馬] Moon (2009): 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Solaris (2) (13)
2009-10-25 [金馬] Ma Ligne de Chance (11) (6)
2009-10-01 [先知] [再現] Chloë Sevigny for X-Girl (5) (3)
2009-10-01 [經典] [再現] chloë sevigny is androgyny (0) (1)
2009-09-25 Serge Gainsbourg, vie héroïque (2010) teaser & Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (1) (3)
2009-09-19 LYING (2006) trailer (1) (4)
2009-08-03 [業務] 眾小克粉絲們請點這篇 (6) (2)
2009-08-02 Chloë Sevigny:獨立製片小甜心之 小 克 正 傳 (67) (16)
2009-08-02 [後宮] 當代最優秀的十位男演員 (24) (18)
2009-07-28 The Knack ...and How to Get It (1965) Jane Birkin, Jacqueline Bisset... & Charlotte Rampling (6) (3)
2009-07-25 The Unbelievable Truth (1989) <strong><em>ˇ</em></strong> Hal Hartley Debut (24) (0)
2009-07-24 David and Lisa (1962) 執子之手,與子偕老 (51) (0)
2009-07-24 The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004) by <strike>J.T. LeRoy</strike> & Asia Argento (2) (2)
2009-07-20 [日舞] Suture (1993) by Scott McGehee & David Siegel, introducing Flora Cross (0) (2)
2009-07-08 Lonesome Jim (2005) (7) (2)
2009-07-07 [檢視] 英倫入侵 [雜談] 英國新浪潮/憤怒青年電影 (77) (7)
2009-07-04 Get Carter (1971) (20) (1)