Last name is pronounced "Duh-voh-shell". Has a daughter named Bonnie, born on the 25 March 2005. Mother is Ludivine Sagnier!!!

軍中禁戀 Beau Travail
90 min. 1999
"Lavant's performance during Galoup's dancing scene at the end of the film is a revelation, in turns stiff and free, awkward and graceful, and crazed and liberated. Making use of flashbacks and flash-forwards, Denis spins a poetic, passionate, and compelling tale of envy and alienation."
-- All Movie
"What Ms. Denis has made of ''Billy Budd'' is the visually spellbinding cinematic equivalent of a military ballet in which the legionnaires' rigorous drills and training rituals are depicted as ecstatic rites of purification, the embodiment of an impenetrable masculine mystique before which the director stands in awe."
"Where another filmmaker exploring the same material might emphasize its homoerotic subtext, Ms. Denis is in search of something deeper, more elemental and ultimately more elusive."
-- New Nork Times
"I've found an idea for a novel," a Godard character once announced. "Not to write the life of a man, but only life, life itself. What there is between people, space... sound and colors."
His words might serve as Denis's manifesto. Her transposition of Herman Melville's novella Billy Budd to a French Foreign Legion post on the Horn of Africa is a mosaic of pulverized shards. Every cut in Beau Travail is a small, gorgeously explosive shock.
-- Village Voice
Directed by
Claire Denis
2000 Won Reader Jury of the "Berliner Zeitung" - Special Mention
Writing credits
Claire Denis (writer)
Jean-Pol Fargeau (writer)
Herman Melville (story) "Billy Budd, Sailor"
Cinematography by
Agnès Godard
2001 Won César Best Cinematography (Meilleure photographie)
Denis Lavant ... Galoup
Michel Subor ... Commander Bruno Forestier
Grégoire Colin ... Gilles Sentain
Nicolas Duvauchelle ... Legionnaire
Ali Mohammed Hamadou
本片與 郵票 電影【戰海風雲】(Billy Budd, 1962) 改編自同小說。一群在非洲海灘駐守的法國型男們,每天藉出操展現帥氣頭型與健壯體魄,直到某帥哥小兵擾亂了士官長,雷歐卡霍御用醜男 Denis Lavant 與指揮官,高達【小兵】Michel Subor,建立多年之微妙情感平衡。
我必須說本片是筆者入伍後看過最好看的電影,尤其開頭播放韓式 (!) 熱歌勁舞,再以黑人電音收尾,只能用神來兩筆形容其巧妙震撼!【不法之徒】【巴黎德州】助理克萊兒丹妮絲,並駕齊驅優秀女性導蘇菲雅柯波拉。安妮高達吉布地共和國 (Djibouti) 攝影美到令人心碎。
Nicolas Duvauchelle in Beau Travail
Grégoire Colin in Beau Travail
片中破壞同性戀和諧的某帥哥小兵就是這傢伙,看過布蕾亞電影的觀眾必定對其特殊長相留下印象,另一代表作為【暴雨將至】(Before the Rain, 1994)。
Michel Subor in Le Petit Soldat

不知不覺愛上你 Nénette et Boni
103 min. 1996
Directed by
Claire Denis
Writing credits
Claire Denis (writer)
Jean-Pol Fargeau (writer)
Cinematography by
Agnès Godard
Grégoire Colin ... Boni
Alice Houri ... Nénette
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi ... La boulangère / Baker's wife (as Valéria Bruni-Tedeschi)
Vincent Gallo ... Vincenzo Brown
"In telling its coming-of-age story of a brother and sister from a dysfunctional family, Nenette et Boni proceeds on its own distinctive, lackadaisical rhythm -- it isn't afraid to digress if something of greater interest draws its attention."
-- All Movie
"There's an offhand cockiness to the characters in Nenette et Boni that reminded me of Jules and Jim and the other early Truffaut films where characters acted tough but were really emotional pushovers."
"There are throwaway details, casual asides, events that are implied rather than shown. This creates a paradoxical feeling: We don't know as much, for sure, as we would in a conventional film, but we somehow feel more familiar with characters because of her approach."
-- Roger Ebert
好,如果你要關鍵字:賴瑞克拉克 (Larry Clark) 世界青少年行為偏差,【給我們的愛】(À nos amours, 1983) 功能失調家庭暴力,【真愛伴我行】(Malèna, 2000) 男孩最原始的慾望。在非洲長大的克萊兒丹妮絲總是有辦法創造看似平淡卻暗潮洶湧場景,
例如少男 Boni 自言自語意淫麵包店老闆娘後,切至個令人摸不著頭緒的畫面,如同咖啡色顏料抹在車窗上被雨刷不規則扭曲,搭配呼吸喘氣聲響,讓觀眾一度以為置身【飢餓】(Hunger, 2008) 發憤圖強,原來是 Boni 最愛的咖啡機正於床頭櫃前攪動!
Claire Denis 法式軟調之青春紀錄寫實,就是這麼神。
不知不覺愛上你 (Nenette Et Boni)
活脫從賴瑞克拉克世界走出來的少男 Boni 整天只想用自己的法國棒 (French stick) 直搗黃龍。
[Valeria Bruni Tedeschi's Oscar winning performance...... ]
"Denis displays a gift for capturing bits of subdued, incidental beauty: The sensuous fabric of a dress, the delectable icing on a pastry, the kaleidoscopic play of lights at night."
梅西法默之老娘還要 Mimsy Farmer's More (1969)
獨立製片的神 Vincent Gallo 現身!
麵包店老闆義大利法語很爛,人妻法國第一夫姊以英語交談順便調情,Boni 目睹凍未條,趕緊買根法國棒。
Boni 連小白兔都能拿來助興自瀆。向 小棕兔 致敬。
"At times, her meditative glance lingers longer than usual, as in a delightful moment when a baker's wife preens to the tune of the Beach Boys' God Only Knows. As noteworthy as her knack for unlikely eye candy is her inviting humanism."
Vincent Gallo 穿海軍制服超帥的啦!向 大愛 致敬。
千嬌百媚 Tedeschi 對寶妮解釋因為怕阻礙費洛蒙分泌而不搽香水,寶妮百般心癢難耐,火速回公司搓揉麵糰發洩邪念。
Denis Lavant 自請關緊閉!
Corona - The Rhythm of the Night