波蘭斯基最偉大作品 反撥 在 林肯中心 看過膠捲。達里奧阿基多最偉大作品是亞細亞艾珍朵。以那些阿里不達的東西號召舉辦個奇幻影展譁眾取寵,而能夠一窺偉大作品拷貝也不是壞事。結果正義化手段。膠捲魂!史丹利圖奇是壞人,贖罪小妹在可愛骨超正!
1550 失嬰記
現在看這部電影最重要的傢伙是約翰卡薩 維蒂 先生才對!
1340 藍絲絨
Clerks. (1994)
- Jays Line "I'll Fuck Anything that Moves"
The Squid and the Whale (2005)
- A clip is shown when the main characters see it in the cinema.
1520 坐立不安
- Juno and Mark debate the merits of this movie
The Wizard of Gore?
That is Herschel Gordon Lewis. He's the ultimate master of horror.
Please. Dario Argento is so the ultimate master of horror.
Argento? He's alright, but Lewis is completely dimented.
We're talking buckets of goo.
Red corn syrup all over the place. Fake brains coming out the yin-yang.
Quite frankly, this looks a little stupid.
Give me the tape. This is even better than Suspiria.
What'd I tell you? You have decent taste in slasher movies.
Here's to dovetailing interests.
1830 兩個男人與衣櫃
1830 水中之刀
1320 斷了氣
1600 活死人之夜
The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004)
Italy to me is like the mean mother.
Stanley Tucci & Tony Shalhoub
Although in traditional Irish, the name Saoirse would be pronounced "seer-sha", she says it as "sur-shuh".
延伸閱讀:[羅莉] 可愛的骨頭
- Mar 15 Mon 2010 19:19
[金馬] 波蘭斯基竟然比布紐爾的《青樓怨婦》更早挖掘出法國第一美女凱薩琳丹妮芙冷豔下的變態潛力。