
The Enigma of Bruno S. (1932~2010)

這位布魯諾先生真是個很可怕的傢伙,看過他主演的賈斯伯荷西之謎,也是我第一部荷索電影,一整個暑假筆者不想說話、回家、上學、看電視或從事任何與文明相關的活動,而機器人 Ian Curtis 上吊自殺前正好在觀賞史楚錫流浪記。各位前程似錦的上進青年們,千萬不要亂看荷索的電影呀!當初錯過光點影展的上進青年們,請支持正版購買原子印象發行的荷索套裝,謝謝。

本來看到標題還以為是芭樂特又要耍什麼寶了,最讓我驚訝的是,各家媒體居然只有 BlackBook 報導這則訃聞,所以筆者就來翻譯一下原文吧!

Born of a prostitute, certified schizophrenic, and a veteran of some 23 years in various prisons and institutions, Bruno S. was one of the most unlikely leading men in history. Yet star he did in two features for director Werner Herzog during the heyday of the German New Wave: The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974) and Stroszek (1977). A street performer with no prior acting experience, Bruno was spotted by Herzog in a student documentary and immediately cast in the role of the famous man-child, Kaspar Hauser. Working with the actor was difficult—he would often harangue the crew for hours before submitting to a take—and after his brief dalliance with fame, he eventually fell back into the hardscrabble life of a street musician. He died Wednesday, not much better off than he was when Herzog discovered him 35 years ago. 


The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974)


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