
Cillian Murphy & Ken Watanabe Do Their Best to Keep 'Inception' a Secret

By Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell
June 16, 2010

翻譯魂忍不住手癢,其實只想名正言順貼圖又硬要充實內容兼趕流行。本文翻自電影上映前的紐約最棒雜誌【黑皮書】六月號,也不 知道在翻什麼,看得懂就看中文,看不懂就看英文吧!(故意翻很爛有助於讀者對照原文)

"Since I was a teenager, I’ve been interested in finding a way to make a movie about dreams," director Christopher Nolan says of the genesis for his upcoming sure-to-be-blockbuster, Inception. "I’m interested in the fact that it’s both a universal experience and a subjective one." The film hinges on what transpires in the unconscious mind while sleeping. "There’s an interesting relationship between dreaming and watching movies, the way we absorb these worlds that are created for us," he says. Paradoxically, Inception is also an action film. 


Waking Life (2001)

As in his amnesia-fueled narrative puzzle, 2000’s Memento, Nolan has achieved the cinematic feat of dramatizing the mind’s inner workings. But it wasn’t easy. The writer-director spent 10 years from inception to Inception. Nolan’s biggest obstacle was "defining the emotional life of the characters so that they would become important to the audience and critical to the story." Although he’s best known for his imaginative rebooting of the Batman franchise Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Nolan never intended for Inception to be realized on a similarly grand scale. "Every time I try to address the potential of dreams and the human mind, it just expands," he says. His desire to keep an unusually tight lid on the plot of his films, like his metaphor for dreams, is of personal and collective interest. "As an audience member, I never like when campaigns give away the whole movie. I want people to see it the way it’s intended to be seen." 


Christopher Nolan directing Guy Pearce on the set of Memento (2000)

To bring his vision to life, Nolan called upon two of his go-to actors, indie charmer Cillian Murphy and Oscar nominee Ken Watanabe (the film also co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard and Ellen Page). "It’s an incredible privilege to have guys like that on your side," Nolan says. "Ken is an iconic and charismatic movie star who projects so much intensity. In a different way, Cillian also has an unbelievable sense of charisma. He has these eyes that gaze right through you and tell the audience so much about the character he’s trying to portray. He’s very under-appreciated, and any time I can get him up on stage I’m delighted to do it.” 



Watanabe, 50, sits inside a bright photo studio in Los Angeles, dressed in a pink oxford shirt and matching cotton scarf. "Imagine the way you feel when you wake up from a bad dream,' he says. "That was where Chris started this project. He had a nightmare and woke up to some really complex feelings." Murphy, 34, who shares many of his scenes with Watanabe, agrees. "That tends to be a theme in Chris’ films: how the mind can weaken you," he says. "I find that a fascinating study." 


Hailing from far-flung continents and nearly two decades apart in age, Murphy and Watanabe initially read as an unlikely pair. But on closer inspection, the two men share common threads: both have solid footing in Hollywood but have settled close to their native lands; both revere Nolan; both possess an alluring blend of feminine and masculine energies; both are handsome, well-dressed, earnest and, at least on this afternoon in early May, prone to trampoline fights and deep bouts of blushing. 




You’ve both chosen to live outside of Hollywood. In what ways do you think that decision has impacted your careers? 

CILLIAN MURPHY: Hollywood is the engine of the machine. European and Japanese industries are strong, but in terms of global reach, nothing can touch that place. For Chris, it makes complete sense to live in Hollywood. For me, though, while I love coming here—the weather, the sushi—since I’m European, I think I’d find it difficult to live here permanently.

KEN WATANABE: I always wonder where would be best to live, for my wife and our kids. I want to work in Japan, and I also want commercial films in Hollywood. It’s a difficult balance. 

CM: It’s not impossible, though, because the world has shrunk so much. Twenty or 30 years ago, it would have been harder. Ken, your profile in Japan is so huge, and you’re so valuable to the Japanese film industry. Not all of the films in Hollywood are so good. A lot of studio films are tosh, but a lot of independent films are tosh, too. 

HorrorFever 破膽熱:2010恐怖驚選影展

這影展居然也有收錄小克主演的【索命空間】(The Killing Room, 2008),自行想像個好萊塢電影台會播放的【異次元殺陣】加【奪魂鋸】,然而小克穿高跟鞋走專業心理分析師路線仍然值得一看,眾星雲集卡司如【冰血暴】彼得史托梅爾【鑼鼓喧天】瑪麗亞凱莉老公【老師不是人】【索命黃道帶】克莉杜瓦。精彩截圖請點 這裡

Cillian, you’ve twice dressed in drag for a film: in Breakfast on Pluto and, more recently, in Peacock. What drew you to those roles? 

CM: In Peacock, I played this guy with a dissociative identity disorder who believes that he is his own wife. Even though I did have to wear dresses in both films, that role was more about playing two characters for me. 

How do you find an authentic place from which to play women, so that it doesn’t become campy? 

CM: I love playing a woman. It’s the ultimate challenge. They are far more complex and better than men at most things, to be honest. The secret is learning how to be feminine instead of effeminate. 

KW: I couldn’t have imagined you playing so sensitive or so crazy before the shooting of Inception. 

What can you tell us about Inception

CM: This film has the structure of a heist movie, although not quite that conventional, of course. It’s an existential heist. Chris plays with shifting narratives, like he did in Memento. This one’s equally complex. I don’t know how it was for you, Ken, but when I first got the script, it was a hard read because it’s so visual. I’d never read anything like it in my life. 

KW: It was so confusing. I couldn’t understand it the first time. 

What do you do in that situation, when you read a script and have no idea what’s going on? 

CM: I trust Chris. He came up with this idea when he was 16 or something. He’s one of the greatest living directors—I think he’s proven that. So I knew this was material he’d be able to manifest in scale and emotion. 

KW: I had just wrapped a film in Africa and was on my way back to Japan when I got a call from Chris. He asked me to come to L.A., which is a 16 1/2-hour flight from Dubai. I met with him and he asked, "Are you a skier?" Coincidentally, I was born in snow country, and my father is a ski instructor. He explained the synopsis. His projects are really big so I needed to prepare a lot and also train in English. I wasn’t confident I had enough time before we started shooting, but I thought, This is the first time I’ve been asked to work with the same Hollywood director twice. I need
to do this. 

Now that you’ve seen the film— 

CM: We’re supposed to keep it a secret! The anticipation is refreshing. People are so impatient. But Chris is very old-fashioned in a lot of ways: in the way he makes films, his take on promotion and technology. 

KW: There wasn’t even a green screen when we were shooting so we were always surprised on set. Every day, we were like, wow. He wants to make the experience as realistic as possible for his actors. He built a regular set and then requested a rotating one to simulate zero gravity. 

You’ve both worked with Nolan before in Batman Begins. How would you begin to describe his vision? 

KW: I have no idea. I just want to cut open his brain and see what’s inside. 
忍:我不知道。我只想切開他的腦袋,看看裡面有沒有馬龍韋恩斯 (Marlon Wayans)。 

CM: Batman Begins was my first time doing a studio film. The level of calm and confidence he exudes is amazing. He is never arrogant, but he is in complete control. I have never seen him flustered. It’s very reassuring as a performer when you’re in that environment. It affords you a lot of freedom. He allows the scene to grow organically between two actors and then, very subtly, adjusts the minutiae and massages it. 

KW: He says, Cillian, that you are the best actor of your generation. 

CM: [Embarrassed] I’d say he feels the same about you. 
稻:(羞赧貌) 他對你也如此感覺。

With whom did you two work most closely? 

CM: Ken and I got to do a lot of cool stuff together. 

KW: I shot one scene on top of a mountain. It was freezing cold! 

CM: We did some crazy stunts. I was so proud of mine. 

What did you get to do? 

CM: You’ll see. 

全面啟動 Inception
148 min. 2010

Leonardo DiCaprio ...  Cobb
Joseph Gordon-Levitt ...  Arthur
Ellen Page ...  Ariadne
Tom Hardy ...  Eames
Ken Watanabe ...  Saito
Cillian Murphy ...  Robert Fischer, Jr.
Marion Cotillard ...  Mal
Pete Postlethwaite ...  Maurice Fischer
Michael Caine ...  Miles
Lukas Haas ...  Nash 追兇 大頭目與喬瑟夫相見歡
Claire Geare ...  Phillipa (3 years)
Magnus Nolan ...  James (20 months) 大導演都要私器公用就是了

我的喬瑟夫越來越帥了♥♥♥ 正式幹掉詹姆士麥克艾維和麥克筆成為我現在最喜歡的 男演員。演諾蘭電影的好處就是被傳聞將接手 謎天大聖 角色。喬瑟夫是獨立製片界的保羅紐曼,在小眾電影魅力四射又能在商業電影當個稱職的不搶戲綠葉。文森蓋洛 是獨立製片界的馬龍白蘭度加奧森威爾斯。保羅紐曼,一種印象

朱諾在本片意外很正紅外套很好看。諾蘭一貫的缺點就是太緊湊,愛挑戰複雜敘事,炸藥和音樂又摧不間斷,前兩層都蠻好看的,第三層雪地碉堡功虧一簣,大概因為我戰慄時空打很爛吧!如果中間插個喬瑟夫和朱諾談戀愛多好,兩人化學超棒,又可以給觀眾喘息空間。全面最好看場景就是喬瑟夫洗衣機打架和偷吻朱諾 /////

Delphine Seyrig (as A) declined Giorgio Albertazzi (as X) in Last Year at Marienbad (1961)

Shawn Marion (不好笑) 很煩,每次出現背後窗廉都會飄跟亡魂海盜 (or 海盜亡魂) 一樣,受夠她的法國腔了。繼麥可曼電影與羅伯馬歇爾電影 (很少有電影劇照出來就知道垮定的) 慘遭滑鐵盧後,法國妹在好萊塢的第三部電影終於揚眉吐氣哩!難逃法國妹到好萊塢轉型花瓶命運,如果找 陶德海茵絲 (Todd Haynes) 或阿莫多瓦就容易發揮多了。之前玫瑰人生導演 Olivier Dahan 幫 Dior 拍的廣告電影好無聊。

記憶拼圖最工整又茵地 (indie) 勇奪獨立精神獎佳導佳片佳劇佳女所以最好看。全片最不可思議的就是,為什麼受過心靈防衛訓練的稻草人在潛意識看到爸爸的死對頭渡邊謙不會覺得奇怪?就跟陳致中做夢夢到馬英九跟自己一起出任務不起疑相同。陳:因為我們都是到美國學法律的呀!其實克里安莫菲最帥。

IFC 最近重發了諾蘭的處女電影,預告配樂搞得很像全面啟動。克里斯多福諾蘭的 Following 之於記憶拼圖,就好比蝶龍阿諾夫斯基的 Pi 之於噩夢輓歌,我是這樣認為的。 

Doodlebug (1997)
Following (1998)

Marion Cotillard by DAVID LYNCH!!! 


(全場觀眾哄堂大笑) LOL


Sammy Jankis shares his thoughts on Inception 


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