殺手傑克卡特的哥哥法蘭克卡特被黑社會謀殺,留下一女待育,卡特返鄉參加喪禮,拿起獵槍,決定不惜一切找出幕後真兇。席維斯史特龍千禧年【大開殺戒】即翻拍自本片,米高肯恩於新版飾演 Cliff Brumby 角色。女兒角色由【窈窕美眉】Rachael Leigh Cook 擔任。
"soulless and nastily erotic... virtuoso viciousness"
"sado-masochistic fantasy"
"one would rather wash one's mouth out with soap than recommend it".
BBC 電視台出身的 Mike Hodges 在第一部電影以簡約風格,荒涼污穢新堡 (Newcastle) 建構李馬文式無靈魂反英雄形象,上映後惡評如潮,經由電視播放力挽狂瀾。九九年英國電影學院二十世紀百大電影排名第十六名,零四年 Total Film 雜誌票選【找到卡特】為英國影史上最偉大電影第一名。
影評 表示本片被禁原因有三:逼真謀殺場面、電話性愛、全裸 (沒露點) 與敵人決鬥。第一點和第三點現在看來尚稱溫和,哈維凱托在【壞中尉】(Bad Lieutenant, 1992) 媲美 D'Angelo 的 恥骨 才是筆者看過最驚世駭俗裸露;而米高肯恩致電倫敦,要求女子扯下奶罩斯磨淫聲浪語,配合女房東搖椅前後擺動,至今觀賞仍舊令人臉紅心跳!
黑社會成員警告米高肯恩新堡黑社會 "won't take kindly to someone from The Smoke poking his bugle in",美國上映時修正英式用語為 "won't take kindly to someone from London poking his nose in"。倫敦別號霧都,顧名思義。
順便分享幾個常見英式詞彙:英國人很愛講 "bloody" 來強調語氣,但更普遍乃 "fucking" 委婉詞,中文可以翻「天殺的」。"bird" 則代表「馬子」「七仔」,與六零搖擺英倫迷你裙 leggy 魂 (鳥仔腳) 挺搭配,對應美語的 "chick" 皆鳥禽類動物。
Ian Hendry 對於原本屬於他的卡特角色被搶走一直懷恨在心,與米高肯恩兩人初見面意外製造濃厚火藥味。Ian Hendry 於波蘭斯基最好的作品【反撥】還很像 裘德洛,沒多久禿了鳥掉怎麼可能給你當男主角。安東尼奧尼【過客】也可以看到他。
Glenda 初次見面就對米高肯恩猛調情,之後她化身神仙教母 (fairy godmother) 驅車搭救被敵人追殺的米高肯恩。
找到卡特 Get Carter
111 min. 1971
Directed by
Mike Hodges
Writing credits
Mike Hodges (screenplay)
Ted Lewis (novel "Jack's Return Home")
Michael Caine ... Jack Carter
Ian Hendry ... Eric
Britt Ekland ... Anna
John Osborne ... Kinnear
Geraldine Moffat ... Glenda (as Geraldine Moffatt)
Dorothy White ... Margaret
Rosemarie Dunham ... Edna
Petra Markham ... Doreen
Liz McKenzie ... Mrs. Brumby
Get Carter tops British film poll
BFI Top 100
Michael Caine: Character meets actor
Michael Caine in The Ipcress File (1965)
Palmer is the first action hero to wear glasses (Caine is myopic in real life). Michael Caine chose to wear glasses because he expected the film to be the first of a series, similar to the Bond movies.
He feared being over-identified with the character of Harry Palmer and so he wore the glasses so that he could remove them for other roles.
Harry's glasses frames were dark brown, contrary to the widely held view that they were black. They were a style called "Teviot 74" manufactured by a company called UK Optical.
They were already popular at the time for being a stylish and inexpensive alternative to the standard models that were issued for free by the National Health Service in Britain. They became even more popular after the success of this film.
Len Deighton wore the same frames at this time. Those frames have been described by some as the first affordable "designer" frames available in the UK.
Len Deighton (left) teaches Michael Caine how to break an egg on the set of The IPCRESS File.
Michael Caine's Harry Palmer character is depicted as an accomplished cook, but when you see Palmer skillfully break a couple of eggs, the hands in the close-up belong to Len Deighton, author of the book on which the movie is based.
Deighton himself was an accomplished cook and also wrote a comic strip about cooking for The Observer. The walls of Palmer's kitchen are full of these strips.
伊普克雷斯檔案 The Ipcress File
108 min. 1965
Michael Caine ... Harry Palmer
Nigel Green ... Major Dalby
Guy Doleman ... Colonel Ross
Sue Lloyd ... Jean Courtney
Gordon Jackson ... Carswell
Aubrey Richards ... Dr. Radcliffe
Zsolt Vadaszffy ... Prison Doctor
Josef Behrmann ... Prison Guard (as Joseph Behrmann)
Max Faulkner ... Prison Guard
Paul Chapman ... Prison Guard (as Paul S. Chapman)
Michael Caine became an international movie star on the basis of three performances in only three years, in Zulu (1964), The Ipcress File (1965), and Alfie (1966).
Advertised as "The Thinking Man's Goldfinger, The Ipcress File offered a far more realistic view of the morally ambivalent world of espionage than did the like-vintage James Bond films.
The comparisons to Bond didn't end with the marketing of The Ipcress File. The film was brought to the screen by Bond co-producer Harry Saltzman, and many long-time Bond regulars did fine work on The Ipcress File, including composer John Barry and editor Peter Hunt, who cut the first three Bond features and eventually went on to direct On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
The opening sequence of The Ipcress File was an extended, tongue-in-cheek reference to Bond, setting up Palmer as an anti- 007 "common man" who woke up alone, was nearly blind as a bat, and needed coffee to wake up in the morning.