IMDb > Michelangelo Antonioni > Bergman on Antonioni
Bergman has made great films, I like him as a director. But he has bad taste in movies : he dislikes Antonioni and Godard, but loves Spielberg !! Of course, he likes good directors also : Kurosawa, Bunuel, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Sjöström.
Kubrick also liked Spielberg very much. It should make you consider that if two of the greatest directors have such a high opinion on Spielberg, he might be really good, even if he is not your cup of tea.
Don't you know that artists are always the other artists' most ferocious critcs? It's inevitable because they know too much of the same profession, and the more elaborated and personal their own style is, the more categorical their opinions about their colleagues and their hatred, but also their admiration for others.
Well-balanced opinions are only for critics (and that's why they are no artists themselves). And I admire Bergman for speaking his mind, whether I agree with him or not doesn't matter. It's more honorable than all the official luke-warm mutual praise combined with backstabbing and badmouthing each other at small dinner parties.
And don't forget this (from the BBC-obituary):"On one occasion, a critic savaged Bergman's films in a magazine. Not until later did the director reveal himself as the author."
I laughed when Bergman burned Godard, but now Anontioni?...now I'm thinking he doesn't know much about film; he's made some masterpieces, but I'm sure he knows that, he just can't comprehend other people's work.
He dislikes also Welles.
Of course he won't like Antonioni cause his movies are really quiet and subtle while Bergman's most film are heavy-handed and simplistic. Antonioni knew how to create images that communicate while Bergman makes his characters talk about their feelings. Don't even get me started on why he doesn't like Godard...
Bergman (as much as I love him)- I AM SAD, OK, I'M OLD AND HAVE WASTED MY LIFE, GOD ARE YOU THERE?!?!
Antonioni - *beep* I can't even think of a way to summarize his style "wait, why did that person do that? aw, damn, now I've gotta think about it for a year."
To bad, loved them both. Bergman also disliked Jean Renoir & Truffaut had called Antonioni a man trying desperately to keep up with the youth culture (back in the 60s). It tells you alot who directors like & dislike but that doesn't mean I'm going to hate their work because of it.
And Goddard hated just about everyone else in film. Kinda the Johnny Rotten of film directors.
I just wandered in this thread because of the completely creepy coincidence of the subject, which it looks like it has already been pointed out that both directors died within a day of each other.
Not that I'm superstitious, but you guys know how they always say these things happen in threes? You know, like Belushi, Farley, and John Candy? Well, here's 2 foreign film directors who were world-famous and beloved. Again, I think it's just coincidence, but if Jean-luc Goddard should die in the next few months, well, you might just make a believer of me yet...
while not very well known, Yang, who some called the Asian Antonioni died about a month ago.
Final anecdote, leading astray a bit: Woody Allen once said that he likes the voice of his German sound actor much better than his own - and he is right. Woody is a wonderful actor in this special kind of roles he writes for himself, but his voice is awful. There's a slim chance that, had I seen his first films with his original voice, I might not have become the big Woody aficionado I am as his voice really puts me off. Meanwhile I love him enough that I even can stand watching his films with subtitles :)
Manhattan (1979) reissued 8/19
It's so funny and his view is so Scandinavian. It's bleak, my God. I mean, all that Kierkegaard, right? Real adolescent, fashionable pessimism. I mean, the silence. God's silence. OK, OK, OK. I mean, I loved it when I was at Radcliffe, but, all right, you outgrow it.
No. Don't you guys see? It is the dignifying of one's psychological and sexual hang-ups by attaching them to these
grandiose, philosophical issues?
如果哪天要我觀摩 Woody 的劇本我大概會發瘋吧!一堆知識份子在用的艱深詞彙,某些既口語又文言 (文化隔閡) 的字,例如 Kierkegaard,奇摩字典還未必有收錄。
對柏格曼相當生動的挖苦。話是從戴安基頓飾演的機車費城女口中冒出,但劇本是 Woody 寫的,這也算是大大師小影迷對偶像的一種嘲諷和致敬吧!
Bergman on Antonioni
or How Did Monica Vitti Embarrass Jeanne Moreau