1. neither perpendicular (直角) nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping.
2. (of a solid) not having the axis perpendicular to the plane of the base.
3. diverging from a given straight line or course.
4. not straight or direct, as a course.
5. indirectly stated or expressed; not straightforward:
oblique [remarks] about the candidate's honesty.
6. indirectly aimed at or reached, as ends or results; deviously achieved.
7. morally, ethically, or mentally wrong; underhand; perverse.
8. Typography. (of a letter) slanting toward the right, as a form of sans(無) -serif (截線), gothic, or square-serif type.
9. Rhetoric. indirect (applied to discourse in which the original words of a speaker or writer are assimilated (消化吸收) to the language of the reporter).
10. Anatomy. pertaining to muscles running obliquely in the body as opposed to those running transversely or longitudinally (經度).
11. Botany. having unequal sides, as a leaf.
12. Grammar. noting or pertaining to any case of noun inflection except nominative and vocative: Latin genitive (屬格), dative, accusative, and ablative cases are said to be oblique.
13. Drafting. designating a method of projection (oblique projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (oblique drawing) in which the face, usually parallel to the picture plane, is represented in accurate or exact proportion, and all other faces are shown at any convenient angle other than 90°. Compare axonometric, cabinet (def. 19), isometric (def. 5).
14. Military. at an angle of 45°.
–verb (used without object)
15. Military. to change direction obliquely.
16. something that is oblique.
17. Grammar. an oblique case.
18. Anatomy. any of several oblique muscles, esp. in the walls of the abdomen. (下腹)
5, 6. indirect, veiled, masked, covert.
The film was a festival hit, and with the aid of the British production company Zenith, Hartley mounted his second feature, 1991's Trust, which like its predecessor was a dry, oblique [romantic comedy] shot in the director's native suburban Lindenhurst.
oblique neither perpendicular nor parallel →indirect
ulterior concealed, future
decorum prim demure
sporadic irregular, occasional
inadvertent unintentional, heedless
insinuate sinus
These six meet at one another's houses, their discussions intercut with developments in their private lives, which they share, sometimes obliquely, at the meetings. In this process, they demonstrate how great books can illuminate and counsel us all.
During a break, Fincher explains why he hired the French-born Oscar nominee ("The Queen") and Golden Globe winner ("The Painted Veil"): "?Birth' is one of my favorite scores, as good as anything I've heard in 25 years," he says. "Alexandre's music is playful and witty.
But I think it's the oblique nature by which he goes [at] things.
With composers, I think you have to hire somebody you believe in and then get the fuck out of the way."
- Aug 22 Fri 2008 11:44