Date of Birth
Sep 29, 1912 - Ferrara, Italy
Date of Death
Jul 30, 2007 - Rome, Italy
7.28 A Drama of Jealousy @ Rose Cinema
7.30 Antonioni passed away
8.1 Repulsion & The Fearless Vampire Killers @ Lincoln Center
左三老伯:安東尼奧尼死了…… ( 我以為他是想表達安董快死了 )
If Hitchcock's tombstone bore the word "suspense," what would we engrave on Antonioni's? "Alienation," probably, yet that is a word forever applied to the films, not spoken within them.
感謝紐約客提供這麼正的 Vitti 照片!
I feel like a father towards my old films. You bring children into the world, then they grow up and go off on their own. From time to time you get together, and it's always a pleasure to see them again.
Actors are like cows. You have to lead them through a fence.
Reality changes so rapidly that if one theme is not dealt with, another presents itself. Allowing one's attention to be attracted by each little thing has become a vice of the imagination. All one has to do is to keep one's eyes open: everything becomes full of meaning; everything cries out to be interpreted, reproduced. Thus, there is no one particular film that I would like to make; there is one for every single theme I perceive. And I am excited by these themes, day and night. However, opportunity and other practical considerations limit and direct the choice...
A director is a man, therefore he has ideas; he is also an artist, therefore he has imagination. Whether they are good or bad, it seems to me that I have an abundance of stories to tell. And the things I see, the things that happen to me, continually renew the supply.
I am not a theoretician of the cinema. If you ask me what directing is, the first answer that comes into my head is: I don't know. The second: All my opinions on the subject are in my films."
When I am shooting a film I never think of how I want to shoot something; I simply shoot it. My technique, which differs from film to film, is wholly instinctive and never based on prior considerations.
What the fuck... DON'T SAY THAT!!!
安董和 Vitti 的新照片
Bergman on Antonioni People on Bergman on Antonioni
Antonioni & Friends 演員篇 導演篇 安董篇
安董海報牆 1950~1962 1964~1975
- Aug 22 Wed 2007 08:16
Michelangelo Antonioni 1912~2007