Cool Stuff
If you haven’t seen Bottle Rocket, than you are really missing out. It is Anderson before he too eccentric to tell a totally relatable story. And don’t get me wrong, I love Anderson’s work.
But you have to admit, film by film, they got weirder, quirky, more involved to the point that
it becomes hard to relate to three brothers taking a spiritual journey through India, when it’s really just the same story of family he’s been telling through all his films.
That said, I’ve also grown to love Darjeeling too.
Bottle Rocket (1996)
Criterion 對韋思安德森真的很好,保 羅 湯 馬 安 德森一部都沒有。除了最新的 大吉嶺,該出的都已經出了。這回是欠揍的西瓜配色。凱特配音動畫片神奇先生加油!
Eric Anderson
Wes & Co.
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