Vanessa Redgrave!!!
David Hemmings & Natalie Wood!!!
David Hemmings & Jane Birkin!!!
David Hemmings & Veruschka!!!
Veruschka 何許人也?春光乍洩真是個可怕的電影,每次都有新來頭可以溫故知新。
Veruschka (von Lehndorff) 生於東普魯士 ( 現在隸屬俄國 ),老爸是普魯士伯爵,在 Veruschka 三歲的時候因為涉及刺殺希特勒而被吊死,老媽被捕,Veruschka 和姊姊 ( 妹妹 ) 被送到蓋世太保集中營。戰爭結束和老媽團圓,一家人卻因為老爸叛國而被放逐。
IMDb > Veruschka von Lehndorff > Biography
A picture of her (under the name Verushka) was used by British pop group Suede as the cover for their single "The Drowners" (1992). She's nude, sitting on a chair and body-painted like a man wearing a suit.
Was ranked #23 in Channel 5's "World's greatest supermodel".
After returning to New York after changing her name to Veruschka: "I dressed all in black and went to see all the top photographers, like Irving Penn, and said, 'I am Veruschka who comes from the border between Russia, Germany and Poland. I'd like to see what you can do with my face.' "
WIKIPEDIA > Veruschka
Premiere named her five-minute modeling scene in Blowup sexiest scene in film history despite the fact that there was no nudity.
Said scene from Blowup was the inspiration for a photo story in Q Magazine's October 2003 featuring rock musician David Bowie and model Kate Moss titled "Clash of the Titans". It was shot by Ellen von Unwerth.
"I was always being different types of women. I copied Ursula Andress, Brigitte Bardot, Greta Garbo. Then I got bored so I painted myself as an animal."
所以春光乍洩有珍寶金和 The Yardbirds 客串也不足以說嘴了,海報上 David Hemmings 瘋狂捕捉的女人,就是 60's 名模 Veruschka!!! more
Mini Mad Mod 60's / Veruschka
在沒有 Vitti 共處一室的情況下,珍妮摩露單看很正。
蝶龍。( 新綽號,叫習慣以後就名正言順。)
1995年奧斯卡終身成就獎,Jack 表情無時無刻沒有不機車過。
Marcello Mastroianni 1924~1996
雲端上的情與慾 Beyond The Clouds (1995)
安董和溫德斯合導的作品,卡司除了馬可維奇 / 蘇菲瑪索 / 芬妮亞當以外,居然還有紅色妹 Irène Jacob!!!,機器戰警 Peter Weller ( 這超好笑 ),尚雷諾,Vincent Perez,屋頂上的 Kim Rossi Stuart,連國寶級的馬斯楚安尼和珍妮摩露都請得出來!
Gérard Depardieu & Alida Valli!!!
1997年的威尼斯終身成就獎,中間那位我以為是大鼻子老婆卡洛波桂,當時 Alida 已經76了,我真的不知道她怎麼保樣的?安董身為義大利人,當然拿過 Career Golden Lion,不過是在1983年,合照只是幫同鄉站台。
Vitti 在97年也拿過
- Aug 24 Fri 2007 07:44
Antonioni & Friends 演員篇 ( <font color="#ff0000">Red</font>grave & Veruschka!!! )