Ingmar Bergman face to face
"Fellini, Kurosawa and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness."
- The Magic Lantern
"He's done two masterpieces, you don't have to bother with the rest. One is Blow-Up, which I've seen many times, and the other is La Notte, also a wonderful film, although that's mostly because of the young Jeanne Moreau. In my collection I have a copy of Il Grido, and damn what a boring movie it is. So devilishly sad, I mean. You know, Antonioni never really learned the trade. He concentrated on single images, never realising that film is a rhythmic flow of images, a movement. Sure, there are brilliant moments in his films. But I don't feel anything for L'Avventura, for example. Only indifference. I never understood why Antonioni was so incredibly applauded. And I thought his muse Monica Vitti was a terrible actress."
- Jan Aghed, "När Bergman går på bio", Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 12 maj 2002.
柏格曼對安董的作品則有著相當兩極化的評價,春光乍洩和夜是 masterpiece,剩下都不怎樣。
安董過度專注於單一的畫格,卻不了解電影是有節奏有律動的影像。當然柏格曼還是對安董某些 movement 讚譽有加。
就是對情事很沒感覺。柏格曼從來就無法理解安董受人推崇之處,Vitti 是個很糟糕的演員。
再來是夜,我當時在場大概會和柏格曼開幹吧!夜的可看性就在於當時已經三十的 Vitti 如何以花樣荳蔻之姿羞辱珍妮摩露水,所謂年輕的珍妮摩露站在一旁根本就是個死黃臉婆,柏格曼這傢伙是腦袋有問題還是眼睛有問題?
V:…… 當實業家千金真是件無聊的差事。
People (including Woody Allen) on Bergman on Antonioni