1. having
pleasant odor; fragrant.
2. odorous or smelling (usually fol. by of): redolent [of] garlic.
3. suggestive; reminiscent (usually fol. by of): verse redolent [of] Shakespeare.
redolent (adj.)
means "smelling (of), giving off an odor (of)": Her clothes were redolent [of] moth balls and cedar (seeder, 西洋杉) closets. It can combine with of or with: The air was heavily redolent [of] [with] the scent of pine needles.
Some argue that redolent, like so many other words having to do with smells, always has pejorative overtones, but that is clearly not so.
Figurative uses are frequent, meaning "to evoke memories or images (of)," and these tend usually to be pleasant: His memories of her were redolent [of] warm summer evenings at the shore.
While Lohan's storyline comes to a particular conclusion, those of Gillen and Campbell are summarily dropped halfway through the film as the focus shifts on to Bobby Sands himself. Film is effectively structured like a triptych, with the peripheral characters on one side, Sands' slow decline from starvation on the other, and one key scene in the middle in which Sands and the priest battle it out over ethics, a roughly 10-minute sequence that unfolds in just two camera set-ups.
For all the power in this central scene, which features bravura work from Cunningham and Fassbender (excellent throughout, and whose turn as a hunger artist ranks with Christian Bale's perf in "The Machinist"), the stasis of the visuals means it plays like a piece of legit plonked in the middle of the movie. Scene sports the vast bulk of the movie's dialogue, as elsewhere words are barely spoken. Non-source music only emerges at the end, yet sound --especially drumming noises from various sources -- plays a crucial and atmospheric role throughout.
- verb
variant of plunk.
To strum
pluck (a stringed instrument).
To throw or place heavily or abruptly
plunked the [money] down on the counter.
plunked onto the [couch] with a sigh of relief.
McQueen, working with lenser Sean Bobbitt in luscious widescreen, crafts some beautiful and haunting images that evoke the work of other visual artists like Francis Bacon (specifically a shot of bloodied Sands, to the extreme right of the frame, rolling over on a grey, scuffed surface) and achieve moments of visual poetry. However, film's protracted pace and use of long-held shots that seem to go on for minutes (such as of a guard cleaning up urine in the hallway) are redolent [of] video art in galleries, the field where McQueen made his name, and may test some auds' patience.
–verb (used with object)
to scrape (something) with one's foot or feet.
–verb (used without object)
to walk with
raising the feet from the ground; shuffle.
McQueen really overeggs the [pudding] is in the final reel, where (and this is no spoiler for anyone glancingly versed in Sands' story) the protagonist wastes away, the camera focusing intimately on his bedsores and emaciated frame. Tawdry, cliched images include Sands' vision of himself as a child sitting in the room, topped by a near final image of a flock of birds -- free at last! -- that seemingly symbolizes his soul's last flight. It's a disappointing [last] gasp for a film that otherwise demonstrates confidence, guts and the abundant promise of its helmer.
(因驚訝等) 倒抽一口氣
The air was heavily redolent [of] [with] the scent of pine needles.
verse redolent [of] Shakespeare. (reminiscent)
Aromatic [herbs] are often used in cooking.
aromatic [compound]
[Intuiting] her loneliness, he sits down beside her, bestows a [nuzzle] and a [hug],
- Nov 27 Thu 2008 17:53