1. 年老昏聵
2. 溺愛[(+on/upon)]
She dotes on her grandchildren.
–verb (used without object) Also, doat.
1. to bestow
express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually fol. by on or upon): They dote [on] their youngest daughter.
2. to show a decline of mental faculties, esp. associated with old age.
3. decay of wood.
dote (v.)
means "to be old, weak-minded, and foolish" and,
in combination with the preposition on,"to be fond
affectionate to the point of foolishness,"as in She simply dotes [on] her [grandson], showering him with gifts and endearments.
Dramatic attention [a]lights [upon] four women watching their young children at a playground, three nattering types and one outsider, Sarah (Kate Winslet), a more pensive observer with little patience for extended discussion of toddler issues.
The three cackling [hens] go into a dither at the arrival of a long-absent young father so dreamy they've dubbed him the Prom King. They've never dared speak to him as he's played with his little son, so Sarah delight[s] in betting she can get his phone number.
Instead, in a beautifully played scene that [locks] the viewer [into] the protags' story, they have a delicate, probing chat which ends with them briefly kissing in front of the children and other women.
1. a trembling; vibration.
2. a state
flustered excitement or fear.
–verb (used without object)
3. to act irresolutely; vacillate.
4. North England. to tremble with excitement or fear.
Still, the pic spends an unexpected amount of time with ex-con Ronald, whose doting mother (the wonderful Phyllis Somerville) encourages him to date again. This [leads] to a startlingly tender, if ultimately dismaying,
dinner scene between Ronald and the emotionally [damaged] Sheila (Jane Adams, terrific), and Ronald's [path] eventually comes to cross those of the other characters in a way that will have most mothers in the audience cringing.
callow cherub
The lad is determined to let his acting do the talking
a love-sick swain