
derogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner: snide remarks about his boss.  

Roman Polanski's "The Ninth Gate" is a sardonic detective thriller [peppered] with carefully crafted pleasures, not the least of which is a snide approach to wealthy people with a [decadent] streak. 

Whether general audiences will find the story sufficiently suspenseful to turn out in large numbers is up for grabs, for although the pieces fit nicely, this is really a shaggy devil story whose giddy, ironic tone may throw viewers expecting a scary movie.

1. covered with or having long, rough hair.
2. untidy; unkempt: a shaggy person.  


affront a. n.
insult, offend deliberately
I couldn’t forgive his [affront] to [of] his mother.
a sneak thief [ransacking] his own broken home for self-serving material—and some critics at the Toronto film festival this year took Margot as a [scathing] matricidal affront.
shameless or impudent boldness, barefaced audacity
She then had the effrontery to ask a [favor]. 
Given the nature of the Inquisition, it seems unlikely such [effrontery] would have brought with [it] no consequences for Tomas and his retinue, as it does in the pic.
I'm at a loss to explain the blizzard of negative advance buzz fired at him for the [effrontery] of playing a half-blind, one-armed Nazi hero. 

conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper private gain
A job is worth nothing these days of jobbery in high places.
willing to sell one's influence, especially in return for a bribe, open to bribery, mercenary
Is it [idealistic] to want a whole island to yourself,
and [venal] to believe that other people might enjoy having homes there? 
even those of Faye Dunaway's ambitious programmer, lending a disturbingly matter-of-fact tone to the corporation's most venal and [de]humanizing [machinations].
spread, smear
Schmear it on the [bread]. 
The maid schmeared him on both comas. Look at this. It says here...

[social] maladies
a malady of the [spirit]  
as a long-term philosophy major and bartender who’s remained on campus for ten years—in some ways a more advanced case of the [malady] affecting the four leads but in other ways more grounded and focused,
gross injustice or wickedness
doomily recounting the descent into [iniquity]
The [iniquity] of the transaction aroused general indignation.
The girl grows gradually aware of the [social] iniquities about her, but only in retrospect does she fully realize just how cruel and wrong-headed the entire colonial system had been.
lacking in wholesome vigor, degenerate, decadent 
an effete, overrefined [society] 
exhausted of vigor or energy, worn out
an effete political [force]
and the [effete] genius Adrian, aka Ozymandias,
unable to produce, sterile 

The film's form and purpose now [emerge] from the [miasma] of the original cut
Her opinions are inimical [to] our proposal. 
that the Amazon was truly inimical [to] humankind. 
strong dislike or enmity, hostile attitude, animosity
and the animosity [Americans] had for the country of [Iran]. 
but their long-simmering [animosity] makes it hard for them to deal with the realities of Lenny's condition.
Some of you who watch might roll your eyes when Luke and Avery's (Bradley Cooper) short animosity gets passed on through their respective sons Jason and AJ (Emory Cohen).
I removed some surgical tape from her lips and examined inside of her mouth. I gave the tape to a detective. The man over there. And I look at the anomaly very quickly.
a breakdown or absence of social norms and values
Despite this obsession with [urban] anomie
Affleck and Corrigan, sharing a [sloe]-eyed, slack-jawed [anomie], make for convincing siblings,
This sets the stage for a tale of uneasy love and [spiritual] anomie in sterile precincts of middle America. 
It's a testament to Tsai's ability to represent disconnectedness that it's not until well into the picture that we realize the three are a family, sharing the same [dilapidated] apartment in Taipei. 
The [elliptical] narrative focuses on the [ailing] Xiao-Kang and his quest for relief, but it's clear that his illness is a [stand-in] for a host of problems: family dysfunction, sexual confusion, [urban] anomie, and spiritual ache.
Starring Yang Kuei-Mei and Tsai regular Lee Kang Sheng as [zombified] neighbors, the movie imagines a [dreary] world where [urban] anomie and existential loneliness have seemingly ground life to a halt
Barely acknowledging the other's existence, the two drift purpose[less]ly through their [bleak] landscape, taking in [apathetic stride] their apocalyptic [limbo]. The only [respite] comes in the form of song.
Almost laughable in its [straight]-faced, [anti]septically designed seriousness, the talented music video director Mark Romanek's big-screen debut aspires to be a [suburban]-anomie retelling of a classic voyeur thriller like Peeping Tom, Psycho, or Taxi Driver.

reprobate n. v. adj.
a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person
a person rejected by god and beyond hope of salvation
referring to character
and takes a brave leap of faith into the depraved real world. Aren't we lucky.
"blind people in this film are portrayed as incompetent, filthy, vicious, and [depraved]." 
vile, shameful, or base character, depravity
But I think you're saying these won't play any part in your deliberations? None whatsoever. So what are they? Moral turpitude, you could say.
derogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner
not the least of which is a [snide] approach to wealthy people with a [decadent] streak. 
Imagine how snide anc vicious he could get, and still tell nothing but the truth.
abject [poverty]
an abject [coward]

offensive to good taste, esp. as being excessive
Then fulsome music [swells], and the underlying tragedy of human existence is evoked,
Well, well, well. There's a fulsome greeting. There's a hallelujah chorus.
extraordinary in some bad way, glaring, flagrant
an egregious [mistake] [liar]  
a notably ephemeral work by Michel Gondry, whose flights of fancy can't overcome the egregious [illogic] of the premise. 
Such sentimentality might sound egregiously [Spielbergistic], but Gondry strikes another chord.
Beckinsale's Annie is the most difficult in this last sense. She's supposed to [occupy] the righteous [position] of being harassed by her estranged husband (an agonized Sam Rockwell), but she treats people so poorly (most egregiously her young daughter) that she doesn't deserve an ounce of compassion.
Elf has the feel of a film that has been test-marketed to every conceivable [demographic], which it undoubtedly was, considering the egregious product placements on display throughout.
I'm not a hired gun. I gotta feel a moral or constitutional issue is at stake. But I'm absolutely innocent. And my civil liberties have been egregiously violated.
hell of a
Oh, it's you, Ichikawa-san. I figured you'd kicked the bucket. That's a helluva welcome.
Dialect. ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper
You ornery critter!
brazenly obvious, flagrant
offensively noisy or loud
There's a character in this one that I based on you. I mean, I named him Ashby, but it's so blatantly you.
Ángela, the nurturing, devoted wife and mother, defies convention by welcoming Ángel's blatantly focused attention towards her and encouraging his company by inviting him to dinner and entertaining his telephone calls.
but this is a [blatant] lie: during his incarceration, he learns that the family has gone broke, his wife committed suicide and his children have been sent to an orphanage.


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