

–verb (used with object) 
1. to burn superficially or slightly; scorch.
2. to burn the ends
nap, or the like, of (hair, cloth, etc.). 

3. to subject (the carcass of an animal or bird) to flame in order to remove hair, bristles, feathers, etc.

4. a superficial burn.
5. the act of singeing. 

1. char. See burn 1 . 

Burn, scorch, sear, singe refer to the effect of fire or heat. 

To burn is to consume, wholly or in part, by contact with fire or excessive heat: to burn leaves

Scorch implies superficial or slight burning, resulting in a change of color or in injury to the texture because of shriveling or curling: to scorch a dress while [ironing]. 

Sear refers esp. to the drying or hardening caused by heat: to sear a roast of meat. 

Singe applies esp. to a superficial burning that takes off ends or projections: to singe [hair]; singe the [pinfeathers] from a chicken.

While the plot is agreebly locked in storage, the crisp visuals and a cast that includes JJ-fave Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, John Hurt, Gael Garcia Bernal and Isaach De Bankolé in the lead (the French icecream man in Ghost Dog) are [hot] enough to singe so many art school pencil ’staches. 

Jarmusch is a big fan of Lee Marvin, and I get a Point Blank vibe from the film’s logline (below) and the trailer’s upscale attire-meets-gritty minimalistic criminalism.

The Limits of Control is the story of a mysterious loner (Isaach De Bankolé), a stranger, whose activities remain meticulously outside the law. He is in the process of completing a job, yet he trusts no one, and his [objectives] are not initially divulged.

cf. decimate
What [rescues] his best films [from] desiccation is the playfulness behind the theorizing 
Walking in the [sun] parched his throat.
A staple of the Indian diet was parched [corn]. 
The obsessive central love story here is [repressed] on all levels, which serves to [parch] the film more than [intensify] it. 
subject to parching or burning heat
the torrid sands of the [Sahara]. 
whose persistent pursuit of sultry Kathleen Turner pays off in the way of a torrid [affair]
Harron is able to wisely draw a contrast between Bettie's [torrid] pre-modeling victimization and the easy-as-baby-food photo shoot experiences.
pulling kidneys amid torrent[s] of [blood]

The fire charred the [paper].  
The flame charred the [steak].  
char[s], a char[woman]
with a slow zoom into the fresh-[charred] heart of a greasy, [gristle]-flecked beef [patty]. 
stumbling through a landscape of [incinerated] jeeps, charred [corpses], and oil wells blazing in the beyond-Coppola apocalyptic night. 
to haunting shots of the men examining the charred [remains] of Iraqi soldiers and burning oil wells lighting up the night sky that prompt Swoff to observe that "the Earth is bleeding,


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