[man-truh, mahn-, muhn-]
大乘佛教中的) 祈禱文
–noun Hinduism.
a word or formula, as from the Veda, chanted or sung as an incantation or prayer.
Also, mantram
吠陀 (印度最古的宗教文獻和文學作品的總稱)
As you might expect/hope, Lynch’s frequently updated Twitter stream flows like a stilted algorithm for transcendental meditation mantras (”Don’t look at the big pile.”), helpful L.A. weather forecasts, and plugs for his coffee.
a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.
David Mamet does a movie about Mixed Martial Arts. Go figure. The master of dialogue practices jujitsu in real-life, and now he has found a way to incorporate it into one of his films.
Chiwetel Ejiofer portrays Mike Terry whose mantra is that "There is always an escape."
Some Hollywood types, played with the appropriate dollops of sleaze and smarminess by Tim Allen and Joe Mantegna, put him in an impossible situation, and he must find the escape.
A buff Ejiofor delivers physically (easy to buy him as a badass), and he has a rigid sense of honor. His scene with Emily Mortimer in which she exorcises a past demon in worth the price of admission.
【日】柔術 (柔道的舊稱)
If John’s illness resembles the [curse] put on Sleeping Beauty by an evil [sorcerer],
It doesn't remake Shakespeare so much as [evoke] him as a talisman
The attractions of impromptu ritual are [a] constant in Me and You, in the incantatory [recitations] Christine records for her videos
repetitious wordiness to conceal a lack of content, obfuscation
Her prose too often resorts to [incantation].
Does this mean that the original film’s spawn of Satan storyline and the [coven] would be excluded?
Polanski's main present to his producer was a naked coven of elderly [witches],