


1. a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape.
2. something 
covers, envelops, or conceals: the mantle of [darkness].  

3. Geology. the portion of the earth, about 1800 mi. (2900 km) thick, between the crust and the core. Compare core 1 (def. 10), crust (def. 6). 
4. Zoology. a single or paired outgrowth of the body wall that lines the inner surface of the valves of the shell in mollusks (軟體動物) and brachiopods. (腕足類動物)

5. a chemically prepared, incombustible network hood for a gas jet, kerosene (煤油) wick (蠟燭油燈芯), etc., that, when the jet or wick is lighted, becomes incandescent and gives off a brilliant light. 
6. Ornithology. the back, scapular (肩胛), and inner wing plumage, esp. when of the same color and distinct from other plumage.
7. mantel
8. Metallurgy. a continuous beam set on a ring of columns and supporting the upper brickwork of a blast furnace in such a way that the brickwork of the hearth and bosh may be readily replaced. 

–verb (used with object) 
9. to cover with or as if with a mantle; envelop; conceal. 

–verb (used without object) 
10. to spread or cover a surface, as a blush over the face.
11. to flush; blush.
12. (of a hawk) to spread out one wing and then the other over the corresponding outstretched leg.
13. to be or become covered with a coating, as a liquid; foam: The champagne mantled in the glass.  

2. veil, cover, blanket, screen, cloak


mantel, mantle (nn.) 
Mantel means "the support over a fireplace, particularly the protruding slab, usually of stone or wood, above the fireplace"; 

mantle means "a cloak or cape" and hence "a metal gridwork cap over a gas lamp’s flame," "the layer of material between the earth’s crust and its core," and indeed, "anything that covers over as would a cloak," as in The mantle of darkness obscured the view.

The Academy Awards for 2008 have been handed out, and the "popular kids" have Oscars on their mantles, but the dirty little secret about winning awards is that you’ve gotta campaign for them. 

Thousands of dollars were spent by the distributors and filmmakers behind Slumdog Millionaire (Fox Searchlight), Milk (Focus Features), The Reader (Weinstein) and other assorted winners and nominees, but not all performances received that sort of big money backing.

He is a broad-shouldered man with a gentle voice, a well-fitting [cassock] and a hatred so fierce that it is not destroyed until his body is turned into a blazing pillar of fire. 
In the scenes in church when Fr. Flynn is wearing green [vestments], he wears the [stole] over his [chasuble]. 
Ed Crane is a man so [nondescript] that neighbors are always forgetting his name and no one seems to recognize him when he's not wearing his [barber's] smock.
their Adam's apples [bobbing] up and down in excitement as they shoot Page in a black [negligee] in a suburban living room.

[Nuns] march past in step, their wimples [bobbing] up and down in unison.
their Adam’s apples [bobbing] up and down in excitement
but the material remains [cloaked] by the very propriety, stiff manners and emotional [starchiness] the picture delineates in such copious detail. 

in black lace and [stiletto] heels, she domesticated fetishism and [flouted] the postal [laws].
She was tied, [trussed], handcuffed, chained and restrained while wearing high heels, nylons, [garter] belts, [corsets] and pointy brassier
Are you wearing mascara? No. Yes.


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