
1. 發劈啪聲
2. 噴濺唾沫(或食物)
3. 氣急敗壞地說話;結結巴巴地說話

–verb (used without object) 
1. to make explosive popping or sizzling sounds. 
2. to [e]mit particles, sparks, etc., forcibly or explosively, esp. accompanied by sputtering sounds.  

3. to [e]ject particles of saliva, food, etc., from the mouth in a light spray
as when speaking [angrily] or [excitedly].  

4. to utter or spit out words or sounds explosively or incoherently, as when [angry] or [flustered].  

–verb (used with object) 
5. to [e]mit (anything) forcibly and in [small] particles, as if by spitting

The [fire] sputtered [cinders].

6. to eject (saliva, food, etc.) in small particles explosively and involuntarily, as in excitement. 
7. to utter explosively and incoherently.  

8. the act or sound of sputtering. 
9. explosive, incoherent utterance. 
10. matter ejected in sputtering. 

The [balloon of blind faith] [gifted] the Coen Brothers after No Country For Old Men (and many other great films) by critics and bloggers is beginning to sputter across the Netz. The bros' new CIA kneeslapper Burn After Reading starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt is receiving decidely mixed early word-of-mouth and reviews from the Venice Film Fest.

see salivate

garrulous 長舌單字大集合

spout pout sprout
gush harangue  

blather prattle prate
harp glib



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