

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    (牛、馬等的)拴繩,繫鏈[C]
          2.    (能力等的)限度,範圍[the S]
                      This is beyond my tether.

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    (用繩、鏈等)拴


1. a rope, chain, or the like, by which an animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit its range of movement. 
2. the utmost length to which one can go in action; the utmost extent or limit of ability or resources.  

–verb (used with object) 
3. to fasten or confine with or as if with a tether.  

4. at the end of one's tether, at the end of one's resources, patience, or strength. 

At the end of its wire, the monkey angel leaps and strains [at] its tether, its stubby wings feeling for the sky. The image exudes a kind of deadpan surrealist humor, sure—but also poignancy, a wistfully recalled innocence, a fluky free spirit.

Suzanne's situation may be an emotional jumble (使混亂;使雜亂) but, untethered by mundane reality, the balloon is free to roam—variously appearing as an image on the side of a building, a painting at the Musée d'Orsay, a character in Song's movie, and itself, suddenly visible through a skylight, 

"watching" Song learning how to make crepes. (縐織物,油煎薄餅) In her last scene, Song—or rather her reflection—shares the screen with the balloon's shadow, its mirrored image, and finally its fleeting presence as it soars up and away, out of the story.

Clooney will play an unapologetic corporate downsizer whose untethered life is consumed by collecting air miles. 


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