–verb (used without object)
1. to void excrement (排泄物) from the bowels through the anus (肛門); have a bowel movement.
2. to become clear of dregs (沈在飲料底部的殘渣), impurities, etc.
–verb (used with object)
3. to clear of dregs, impurities, etc.; purify; refine.
Perelman debuted with 2003’s House of Sand and Fog, a well received literary adaptation that garnered three Oscar noms, including a Best Actor nod for Ben Kingsley. Earlier this year, his follow-up, The Life Before Her Eyes starring Uma Thurman and Marilyn Manson’s muse, was memorably defecated [on] by the majority of critics.
Perelman’s penchant for literature purportedly played a part in his attachment [to] the long-planned adaptation of Atlas Shrugged.
see feces [fee-seez]
edification uplift
catharsis the purging or relieving of emotional tension[s]
penchant affinity proclivity