–verb (used with object)
1. to sit upon (eggs) for the purpose of hatching.
2. to hatch (eggs), as by sitting upon them or by artificial heat.
3. to maintain at a favorable temperature and in other conditions promoting development, as cultures of bacteria or prematurely born infants.
4. to develop or produce as if by hatching; give form to:
His [brain] was incubating [schemes] for raising money.
–verb (used without object)
5. to sit upon eggs.
6. to undergo incubation.
7. to develop; grow; take form:
A [plan] was slowly incubating in her [mind].
see incubation period
The [project] has been incubating for years, with Emma Thompson, Demi Moore and Paul Reubens rumored to be attached. "Happiness," which featured themes of child molestation and rape, initially received an NC-17 from the MPAA board but was eventually released unrated.
see molest