

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    (狗等) 搖尾乞憐
          2.    奉承,討好[(+on/upon)]
                      He fawns [on] anyone in an influential position.

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    (未滿一歲的) 幼鹿[C]
          2.    淡黃褐色[U]

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    生(小鹿)

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    生小鹿

faun, fawn (nn.) 
These homophones differ in both meaning and spelling: 

a faun is a figure in Roman myth, half man, half goat, something like a satyr (see SATIRE); 

a fawn is a very young deer, usually less than a year old. 


As Eli, Paul Dano's voice [vacillates] between 
[a soft-spoken gentleness in his serene moments] and 
[a thin, reedy growl during his Biblical orations].
It is Conchita's emotional ambivalence towards the tenaciously persistent suitor that is reflected through the physical [vacillation] between the two actresses playing the role of Conchita, 
[Carole Bouquet (cold and demure)] and 
[Angela Molina (sensual and aggressive).]
(figuratively, to vacillate)
Like [a flower in the wind], he [oscillated] between 
[one view] and 
[another], unable to make up his mind.
(to kiss, to touch)
His chief political skill was in [osculating] the infants of eligible voters.

make objection, esp. on the grounds of scruples, take exception
 to linger, hesitate
Tom’s [concerns] over finances caused him to demur. 
She asks Rodney to sleep with her, but he [demurs] ("I am sure my brother will be happy to oblige").
With regards to appearing in Batman Vs. Superman, he demurred based on the fact that he and Henry Cavill are about to do The Man From UNCLE, saying "I think if Henry and I did that film and then a superhero film straight after, people might start to wonder about us..."
Informal. full of unresolved points or questions
And then there's that seriously [iffy] masturbation scene in front of the schoolgirls.
Everybody's talking about one thing in One Day: Anne Hathaway's accent. Is it [authentically] Yorkshire? Might there be a [touch] of Brummie? Tom Lamont is up to his ears in iffy movie accents.
Like its [title] heroine, the film threatens to [veer] out of control at any time, its [shape] and [scope] defined not by narrative but by the emotional [upheaval] at its center. 
Embracing the full [spectrum] of the Longhettis' relationship, from [seismic] bursts of high drama to small, even trivial moments of domestic [tedium], its long scenes relentlessly [probe] every nook and cranny of the family's life, drawing out each moment for maximum emotional impact; 
the film is by turns beautiful and ugly, illuminating and frustrating, and it features a performance by Rowlands as [heartwrenching] and unforgettable as any ever committed to celluloid.

Except for Miles. We were together this afternoon sitting in front of the fire. He didn't say anything, but he wanted to. It was like a pendulum, and I could feel it [swinging] my way. 擺錘,鐘擺

Further adulation [followed] in 1986 when Minghella's Made in Bangkok was named the year's best play. 
He revels in his new [prosperity], and [preens] at the adulation that's [showered] on his bullet head.
He is [polite] to the point of obsequiousness, not only to his church superiors, but even to the people he torments.
Under the direction of John Schlesinger, the film [skewers] social values and any number of social types, from BBC intellectuals to [empty]-headed socialites to fashion world sycophants.
Tony Curtis co-stars as Sidney Falco, a sycophantic press agent who'd sell his grandmother to get an item into Hunsecker's popular newspaper column.
that managed to be [clever] and [calculated] 
without the [smarmy] [pretension] of today's imitators. 
Harner's mesmerizing performance brings him to sinister life as a self-pitying [weasel] specializing in [smarmy] phony charm. He doesn't [play] a sick killer. He [embodies] one.
it was all [curdled] smarminess and [gleaming] surfaces sprinkled with designer blood.
Don't [smarm] around, George.
He fawns [on] anyone in an influential position.
a fawn is a very young deer.
His days are a haze of drinks, girls, fast cars and fawning [fans]. [Cocooned] in this celebrity-induced artificial world, Johnny has lost all sense of his true self. 
Film Junk [points] to critic Chika Minagawa, who offers the following thoughts on why Japanese audiences aren’t fawning [over] the film:
a faun is a figure in Roman myth, half man, half goat, something like a satyr
I tell you I will never love you. And even for that, I do love you the more. I am your spaniel. Beat me, I will fawn [on] you.

He ingratiated himself [with] all the guests.  
is getting his edges [buffed] by Raymond's [ingratiating] eccentricities and attachment [to] routine. 
Barely out of college, the eager Glass ingratiates [himself] with the office staff,
to curry favor
He's a composite of every dog-ate-my-homework brown-[noser] that ever walked into a newsroom
a servile follower, toady
a footman or liveried manservant.
l'm Diana Christensen, a racist lackey of the imperialist ruling circles.


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