Disco will never be over. 
It will always live in our minds and hearts. Something like this, that was this big, and this important, and this great, will never die. 

Oh, for a few years - maybe many years - it'll be considered passé and ridiculous. It will be misrepresented and caricatured and sneered at, or - worse - completely ignored. 
People will laugh about John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, white polyester suits and platform shoes and people going like *this* 

[strikes disco pose

, but we had nothing to do with those things and still loved disco. 

Those who didn't understand will never understand: disco was much more, and much better, than all that. 
Disco was too great, and too much fun, to be gone forever! It's got to come back someday. I just hope it will be in our own lifetimes. 

懷特史提曼 (Whit Stillman) 雅痞 (yuppie) 三部曲的孩子們在【大市民】(Metropolitan, 1990) 馬上要進入社會;三十而立於【情定巴塞隆納】(Barcelona, 1994) 做起第一份工作;下班後在【最後迪斯可】出入公共場合學習交際應酬。

懷特史提曼真是個很懷舊,或者說傷逝 (according to fubell) 的傢伙,政治意味濃厚之【情定巴塞隆納】先將時間設定於冷戰最後一個十年 (decade),探討美國人身份認同,接著以迪斯可沒落劃下句點,悄悄地在世紀末前夕退隱,整整十年沒有拍片計畫。

410D696R1NL__SS500_ 懷特史提曼睽違十年最新力作【小綠人】(Little Green Men, 2009) 改編同名暢銷小說,首度非自己寫編本,而且是部政治脫口秀主持人被外星人綁架的科幻電影!期待程度可比凱文史密斯要拍人性黑暗片。


Scrooge McDuck
Metropolitan (1990)

懷特史提曼全勤獎 Chris Eigeman 告訴【閃舞】Jennifer Beals 昨天發現自己是同性戀。但那只是甩妹的低劣伎倆。


小克和凱特貝琴隡住的鐵路公寓 (railroad apartment),從起居室到廁所必需穿越兩個房間,所以捷徑是直接走玄關。

Carolyn Farina ...  Audrey Rouget
Taylor Nichols ...  Ted Boynton 


最後迪斯可 The Last Days of Disco
120 min. 1998

Chloë Sevigny ...  Alice
Kate Beckinsale ...  Charlotte
Chris Eigeman ...  Des
Mackenzie Astin ...  Jimmy
Matt Keeslar ...  Josh
Robert Sean Leonard ...  Tom
Jennifer Beals ...  Nina
Matt Ross ...  Dan
Tara Subkoff ...  Holly
Burr Steers ...  Van
David Thornton ...  Bernie
Jaid Barrymore ...  Tiger Lady 


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