
1. the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression, as 
    distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it or suggested by it; the 
    association or set of associations that a word usually elicits for most speakers of a 
    language, as distinguished from those elicited for any individual speaker because 
    of personal experience. 

2. a word that names or signifies something specific: "Wind" is the denotation for 
    air in natural motion. "Poodle" is the denotation for a certain breed of dog.  

3. the act or fact of denoting; indication.  

4. something that denotes; mark; symbol.  

5. Logic. a. the class of particulars to which a term is applicable.  

b. that which is represented by a sign. 


1. an act or instance of connoting.  

2. the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to 
    its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of "home" is "a place of 
    warmth, comfort, and affection." 

3. Logic. the set of attributes constituting the meaning of a term and thus 
    determining the range of objects to which that term may be applied; 

    comprehension; intension.

expression 還是很見鬼,不管怎樣改還是 expression。
check more expression in Hair of the Dog.


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