commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed: the putative boss of the mob.
As vivid and suspenseful as Roman Polanski has made this claustrophobic tale of a torture victim turning the tables on her putative tormentor, one is still left with a film in which each character represents a mouthpiece for an ideology.
She, in all her [permutations], may as well be a bug under the director's microscope.【數】排列
Well, if we permutate the first 3 numbers and use 7 as a banker, it will cost an additional...
Linguistics. the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language.
Logic. that branch of modern logic that studies the various kinds of signs that occur in a system and the possible arrangements of those signs, complete abstraction being made of the meaning of the signs
The [polymath] director, who shares cinematography credit and composed the atmospheric score, has devised a [syntax] to reflect the slippage inherent in his premise.
But I suppose that, in the continuing quest for proof that 3D is really a viable addition to the [syntax] of film, one early proof of the value of 3D would be to have it work really well in an atmospheric ghost story.
the act of repeating, a repetition
The permutations are endless in that the potential exists for there to be an unlimited number of ways one could alter reality, or in the number of [iterations] of the same person that exist (Aaron1, 2, 3…) at the same time.
the antithesis of [right] and [wrong].
Her behavior was the very antithesis [of] cowardly.
If this summer's The Dark Knight raised the [bar] for seriousness... The Spirit reps its [antithesis]
In many ways, Greenberg is the [antithesis] of the self-important L.A. stereotype; while he may be prone to mak[ing] selfish decisions, his mental illness prevents him from recognizing that in doing so he may be adversely affecting the lives of those he cares about most,
This is the antithesis of the Mad Max-style post apocalyptic action-adventure that began [permeating screens] in the early '80s.
In several scenes, the movie [juxtaposes] the purity of inarticulate rage [with] Ginny's glib [sophistry]—a motif with an unfortunate anti-intellectual bent.
esp. in questions of morality
but instead of testing her on "casuistry" and "arrhythmia,"
Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc., egoistic self-absorption.
Gallo has limited himself to the most proudly [solipsistic] subjects.
And that anguished [solipsism] seems to be, at least in part, the movie's subject.
"Kicking and Screaming" [strikes] a cheerfully solipsistic note. Chris Eigeman, the handsome young [curmudgeon],
This scenario's emphasis on objectification and mind control, its exaggerated horror of duplicity and role-playing, do not convincingly critique [art]-world solipsism.
A contemporary global bulletin in its own right, the movie depicts a world [afflicted] by racism, [xeno]phobia, [a]pathy, miscommunication, and solipsism.
his music can be [maddeningly] inconsistent because of this eclecticism
One of the most inventive and [eclectic] figures to emerge from the '90s alternative revolution
and the director ably captures the film's eclectic European [settings]
Variety's "Critics' Choice" taps [eclectic] lineup.
This second feature by director James Gray has many of the same [attributes] as his stirring, bravely uncompromised first film Little Odessa -- Brooklyn setting, [eclectic] cast, bleak subject matter -- but unlike that challenging picture, this one falls into every crime family movie cliché in the book.
"abiogenist" 自然發生論者
Finch, as an intellient, attractive [agnostic], [conveys] a romantic attachment for Hepburn. 不可知論的
At one point Felicie, an [agnostic], tells Loic about a kind of epiphany she had in the Nevers cathedral.
pertaining to knowledge
The Cathars were gnostic [Christians] but Pope Innocent III considered them to be devil worshippers. 諾斯替教徒
As might any [flabbergasted] viewer of the documentary Spellbound, Saul gets a case of the [gnostics] as Eliza's seemingly sourceless orthographic gifts come into focus.
In his argument with the Columbia House records employee over the phone, Larry Gopnik repeatedly rejects the album Abraxas by Santana. Abraxas is a [Gnostic] term for God, particularly a God who is encompasses all things from Creator of the Universe to the Devil, and an etymological root for "abracadabra". It is thus implied that Larry Gopnik is [vehemently] rejecting God and magic.
No wonder they've kept going in circles for years, in my field. First, they can't even agree on a basic neutral vocabulary. Second, they work with a totally outdated epistemological model, it's as if... 認識論
Act Three, Scene Five of "Macbeth" is an interpolation, an [addition] to the Shakespeare play from another script.
introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts, interject, interpose intercalate
intrude into some region or field of trade without a proper license
Hal's mother's new boyfriend is not a stereotyped [interloper], but a nice guy who would be an improvement.
confuse unintentionally or ignorantly, jumble
make unfair or misleading selections from or arrangement of (fact, statements, writings, etc.), distort
I think the address must've gotten garbled. We can't find the site.
As Eliza makes [legible] the mysteries of the sefirot, her brother and mother's behavior becomes increasingly garbled.
The fact that he resists Satan's [lures], performs a miracle and [garbles] some prayers is graphic illustration that "Simon of the Desert,"
Did you get my message? Yeah, it was kind of garbled.
I thought he seemed reassuring, so I told it again, slowly and more clearly. First time round, I'd garbled half of it. When I'd finished, he looked at me and said... "What can I do for you" It was all he could say, but he didn't even know what it meant.
"Stop immediately. Go no farther than Agrigento. Repeat. Stop, immediately." That's what you think it says. I think it was garbled in transmission.
Still, she kept going, [ad]-libbed through the scene and Lucas kept it, as he did with many presumably garbled first takes in this movie.
infer (an unknown) from something that is known, conjecture【統】外推 (法)
but that’s still pretty vague and, possibly, [part] extrapolation.
Silliest overreaction of all are the baseless extrapolations that this incident could taint the perception of professionalism of women directors in general.
proceeding by reasoning or argument rather than intuition.
commonly regarded as such, reputed, supposed
As vivid and suspenseful as Roman Polanski has made this claustrophobic tale of a torture victim turning the tables on her [putative] tormentor
Kartheiser's Mason seems almost too [Zen] from the beginning, [rendering] the character's putative transformation less dramatic then it might have been,
think, suppose
expect, hope, or intend
Southland Tales is obsessed but not [overweening], free-associational yet confident.
give the meaning or intention of, explain, interpret
deduce by inference or interpretation, infer
translate, esp. orally
I am slightly afraid of scandal. What are we doing that's scandalous? I'm entertaining you in my parlor. Where I come from that would hardly be construed as...
- Jan 23 Fri 2009 22:37
Putative (續:邏輯 推理 數學 單字大集合)