1. one following or behind the other: to drive horses tandem.
2. having animals, seats, parts, etc., arranged tandem or one behind another.
3. a vehicle, as a truck, tractor, or trailer, in which a pair or pairs of axles (軸) are arranged in tandem.
4. tandem bicycle.
5. tandem trailer (def. 1).
6. a team of horses harnessed one behind the other.
7. a two-wheeled carriage with a high driver's seat, drawn by two or more horses so harnessed.
8. any of various mechanisms having a tandem arrangement.
9. in tandem, a. in single file: They swam in tandem.
b. in association or partnership.
That attack is where Valkyrie director Bryan Singer and writer Christopher McQuarrie—the tandem previously responsible for The Usual Suspects—begin their telling of Stauffenberg's attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in the summer of 1944.
The lieutenant-colonel, played by Tom Cruise, argues with a superior about how all's lost out here in the sand and insists that it's time to retreat. A moment later, his higher-up is dead; so, too, are most of Stauffenberg's men. And so he is reborn a sworn enemy of the Führer.
she never seems happier than when prancing [around] in her underwear and a pair of nine-inch heels.
A middle-aged circus owner has [forsaken] his family for Anne, a proud, passionate [equestrian] performer who eventually allows herself to be seduced by a neurotic young actor. Albert takes to the [bottle] and mercilessly [taunts] Anne.
Saddled [with] debts,
His verses hobble with their [faulty] meters.
whether he's hobbling [along] as an adolescent [septuagenarian] early on
show unsteadiness, quaver, vacillate
The [table] wobbled on its uneven legs.
His [voice] wobbled.
The truck lurched [sideways]
Dressed in tinfoil and [lurching] like Frankenstein's monster
But it [lurches] all over the map, encompassing dialogue both inspired and juvenile-tasteless.