1. a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth's surface; gorge.
2. a breach or wide fissure in a wall or other structure.
3. a marked interruption of continuity; gap: a chasm in time.
4. a sundering breach in relations, as a divergence of opinions, beliefs, etc., between persons or groups.
Here is the irony, which he won't accept. Cassidy is as much a performer as Randy. He is a ring worker. She is a sex worker. They put on a show and give the customers what they want. It pays the rent. There is always a chasm [between] pros and their audiences. That's why so many show-biz people marry each other. Magicians say, "The trick is told when the trick is sold." Think about that.
Every [nook] and [cranny] of this place brought back memories.
They searched every [nook] and [cranny] for the missing ring.
a [shady] nook that was ideal for a picnic.
Every scene is crammed with detail, from the [nooks] and [crannies] of the settings