


–verb (used with object) 
1. to choose; select; pick.
2. to gather the choice things or parts from.
3. to collect; gather; pluck. 

4. act of culling.
5. something culled, esp. something picked out and put aside as inferior.

Corny as it is, Van Sant's ending still [packs] a wallop. 

is so immediate that it's impossible to separate the movie's moment from this one. The 1978 victory over Prop. 6 merges with the current struggle against California's Proposition 8, overturning the State Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage. 

A charismatic leader has yet to emerge, but there is... Milk, and its wholehearted devotion to the principle of equal protection under the law. 

(Sound bites from the filmed demonstrations are near-identical to those culled [from] those held two weekends ago.)

–verb (used with object) 
1. to beat soundly; thrash.
8. a vigorous blow.
9. the ability to deliver vigorous blows, as in boxing: That fist of his [packs] a wallop.  

0.85 動作

He yanked out the sore [tooth].
But the movie, like its hero, manages to yank itself [back] into shape
Yanking the ancient myth of vagina dentata [up] to the present day in a treatment combining outright [gore], social satire and freakish comedy,
Sound bites from the filmed demonstrations are near-identical to those culled [from] those held two weekends ago.
Rebecca Miller's Personal Velocity [culls] three woman-centric vignettes [from] her own short-story collection's crop of bohemians, [patricians], and hand-to-mouthers. 

personal bearing or conduct, demeanor
Problems of privacy, food, water and human association and [comportment] come up. 
the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow
His arm took the brunt of the [blow]
The defendant bearing [most] of the brunt in the trial is Hanna.
to attack its veracity
She impugned his stated [reasons] for resigning.
to make an impact
social pressures that impinge [upon] one's daily life.  
characters aren't even acknowledged or shown to impinge [on] the much-elaborated business negotiations
encroach, infringe
to impinge [on] another's rights.  

He fell on the [floor] with a thud.
As a director, Lee fails to strike the right note between realism and fantasy, and the heavy subject matter just [falls] with a thud. 
And has any scene from a mainstream Hollywood studio in the last five years been as thuddingly [inept] as this one from 1987's Superman IV?
I couldn't find a plectrum, then I remember that you had one, remember?
Lonergan [plunks] his characters down in various locations,
Ray Milland, who starred in the film, tells that for one week every afternoon at five o'clock the door of the set would open, a man would walk up to the bar (whether filming was going on or not), order a straight bourbon, chat about the weather, plunk [down] fifty cents, and stroll out. It was the writer Robert Benchley, who was homesick for New York.
variant of plunk
To strum or pluck (a stringed instrument)
plunked the [money] down on the counter. 
plunked onto the [couch] with a sigh of relief.
the [stasis] of the visuals means it plays like a piece of legit [plonked] in the middle of the movie. 
while her youngest daughter is [plunked] in front of the TV watching [thonged] models.
Hey, hey, gangplank.
plank and platform
The main plank in his [election] campaign is tax reform.
We suspect that the new vice-president walked the plank because of a personality clash.
It is a testament like the words that Christopher carved into [planks] in the wilderness.
That is, the arrows hitting the [wooden] planks were not done with special effects,
A salesman with a shiner. I'm gonna believe him. Better ...feels like a plank though.
The only way from his cabin to the gangplank, was past the captain's cabin, whose door was wide open, so no one could leave unseen.
And at home, in one room, alone in the center in the room, the hand in formaldehyde, with a plaque: My hand 1940-1972.
The garden will soon feature a [memorial] plaque in her honor. In addition, an annual contribution to the park will be [made] by Shelly's family for maintenance. 
Well, that was a 10,000 plaque.
Hardly! We've put a plaque on the door: "Here, for several years, lived Alain Leroy."

by changing light, flag
he holds an elbow out and pumps a forearm [up] and [down] like a semaphore as Milk speaks in public.
Stop semaphoring. Either [come] in or [go] out.
work with or at diligently, employ busily, use
Cynics [weary] of the healthcare debate are sure to get a few [chuckles] as former war buddies Remy and Jake ply their [trade] under some particularly unusual circumstances early on, but when the movie shifts gears to chase mode, originality takes a back seat to dull action set pieces, and it becomes [glaringly] obvious that first-time feature filmmaker Miguel Sapochnik is simply [aping] his heroes rather than attempting to develop his own style.



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