[siz-uhm, skiz-]
1. division or disunion, esp. into mutually opposed parties.
2. the parties so formed.
3. Ecclesiastical.
a. a formal division within, or separation from, a church or religious body over some doctrinal difference.
b. the state of a sect or body formed by such division.
c. the offense of causing or seeking to cause such a division.
schism, schist, schizo (nn.), schizo- (prefix)
all come ultimately from the same Greek root, but their pronunciations vary: schism is usually SIZ-uhm, sometimes SKIZ-uhm, and rarely SHIZ-uhm; schist is always pronounced SHIST; the Conversational or slang clipped form schizo and the prefix schizo- are either SKITZ-o(-) or SKIZ-o(-).
Screenplay by Justin Haythe ("The Clearing") scrupulously adheres [to] the structure, personalities, perspectives and much of the dialogue of the novel as it examines the heartbreaking schism in the relationship between Frank and April Wheeler (DiCaprio and Winslet), a strikingly handsome couple who buy into the postwar convention of abandoning the city and raising two kids in a picture-perfect Connecticut suburb while Frank commutes to his unchallenging job at a large business-machines corporation in Manhattan.
。噪音 Raucous
。反噪音 Flaccid
In the subsequent domestic [squabble], Von Sydow shoots and wounds his wife.
typically picking a supermarket aisle as the place for a [domestic] squabble.
Not much happens in the story as the young couple experiences everyday events and [petty] newlywed squabbles.
Kalin's script spends more time examining the twisted [domesticity] and psychological give-and-take of the [squabbling] murderers.
You may like her, but you're always squabbling. You're a little bit like a mother-in-law.
That was what? July, August? Now it's Christmastime, and you were still squabbling over Alexandra?
to box with light blows.
and Sands finds himself [verbally] sparring with a priest
that occur as this old Spanish left-wing [agitator] spars with senior and junior members of the Paris cells,
Meanwhile, the vapid Shawn occasionally [trades] verbal spars with his mother, in between leaving the house for sex sessions with his girlfriend's mom.
Very much a case of old wine in a new bottle, this two-hander about a couple [sparring] and [trysting] over the course of a night is played out entirely in split-screen,
Hal watches as his dad has a nasty [altercation] with his mom, packs a suitcase and walks out of the house.
The film [opens] with a [violent] altercation at a gay sex club and works backward to explain how and why the violence [occurred]. The actors improvised the [vast] majority of the dialogue starting from a four-page story outline.
Were you in a fight? Daddy calls it an altercation.
An altercation on a train after midnight put Grant and some of his friends in police custody in the BART station, and things got ugly very fast.
engage in petulant or peevish argument
to flicker, glitter
The [two] were always bickering. a [stream] bickering down the valley.
The [sun] bickered through the trees.
She hitches a ride with the professor and Marianne, as do a ceaselessly [bickering] married couple.
whose once-idealistic relationship steadily [deteriorates] into a ceaseless cycle of petty jealousy and [bickering] as they strive to [retain] their independence in the conformity-obsessed world of [picket] fences and perfectly manicured lawns.
In the first extended [setpiece] of the film, three older, married, reservists contemplate putting the moves on a table of young women, and bicker endlessly about how to [proceed].
Party Down fans will be happy to see Caplan and Scott bickering again and Fisher is back to her cute, crazy, Wedding Crashers self.
"I can't shuffle [cards] like I used to," he says.
scrape with one's foot or feet
specifically a shot of bloodied Sands, rolling over on a grey, [scuffed] surface
1. struggle or fight in a rough, confused manner
2. go or move in hurried confusion.
3. move or go with a shuffle, scuff
there is a [scuffle] and Tom kills Philippe and disposes of his body
And on and on, including [fights] and [scuffles] and an interlude when Christian is tied to a tree in the woods.
Opening with a quietly [presented] tragedy, the drama [shows] 12-year-old James in a [scuffle] with another lad on the [banks] of a canal running through their grungy,
However, what they don't know is that Vinz picked it up and has it in his possession, and when Vinz, Hubert, and Said get into a scuffle with a group of racist skinheads, the circumstances seem poised for tragedy.
Women are frequently rather neurotic creatures, and the hospital atmosphere is upsetting to them. By the rather undignified scuffling|which I heard when I came into the hall, I gather that she beat a hasty retreat down the back stairs.
Didn't your husband strike a young second lieutenant at this party? There was a little scuffle. It wasn't much.
All you care about is some scuffle that happened 20 years ago. You lean on that crutch and you lean on excuses, and you and I both know that you're used the whole thing as an excuse to do absolutely nothing in your life.
You see, there are some gapsin this [country], deep chasms that we need to bridge.
A deep rift had started in their [family] life.
Tip doesn't approve of Paul dating his younger sister, which leads to a rift [between] these longtime friends.
Who's missing? Keira Knightley as Sabina Spielrein, the woman who causes a rift [between] the two men.
Though he was successful in his bid for credit, it caused a never-healed rift between Hitchcock and John Michael Hayes.
a wedge of [pie].
to wedge [open] a log.
to wedge clothes [into] a suitcase.
her entry into that world has driven a [wedge] into it that sets everybody at [odds]
Lizzie's death puts a permanent [wedge] between Alice and Theresa, and most people in the community believe Alice is to blame for the girl's death.
But Homer orders the cattle destroyed (the film's most harrowing sequence), driving an even deeper wedge between himself and Hud.
East-West Schism or The Great Schism
as it examines the heartbreaking [schism] in the relationship between Frank and April Wheeler.
But Anderson now [downplays] the schism. He says the interview with Oliver is from April, and that when he talked to the paper in June and then checked in with Oliver, the DP said he’d been [misquoted]. According to Anderson they’ve smoothed things out and it all worked quite well afterward.
You're often absent. These are not days for catechism. (天主教) 教義問答,問答方式的講解
This naturally causes [family] dissension.
He began to cry. Bawled like a kid.
You bawled her out. She ran away.
casts the actor as a barroom [brawler] who uses his skills to [settle] disputes for people who can't afford a lawyer.
and Randy is forced to earn his keep by [brawling] before handfuls of fans in high-school gyms and community centers around New Jersey.
they undergo bizarre punishments, get into [brawls] and threaten to kill one another.
one requiring him both to [brawl] with beefy thugs at a Nazi training camp,
I had a bit of a dustup. What about? Saw a chap getting out|of a first-class compartment.【口】騷動,爭論,爭吵
The Firemen's Ball contains some amusing comic set pieces, such as a thrown-together beauty contest organized by the [leering] old men of the fire company and a melee that ensues over the stolen prizes.【法】互毆,混戰,混亂