1. rhythmic swing or cadence.
2. a lilting song or tune.
–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
3. to sing or play in a light, tripping, or rhythmic manner.
In the movie, directed by Mary Harron, who also wrote the screenplay (with Guinevere Turner), Page is a nice girl from Nashville who grew up listening to the honeyed lilt of [singing] preachers—a naïf who never quite comprehends the meaning of what she is doing or the effect it has.
iambic pentameter
And that, plus one really funny joke about the Bard himself, is plenty.
They all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world. The real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by as sey of arbitrary signs.
just as the successful company's founder less decorously hits the pavement after [pirouetting] out of the boardroom's 44th-floor window.
Regular Lovers celebrates the events of May '68 with a long (long) street-fighting [nocturne] and an even lengthier sequence of police pursuit.