[tee-toht-l, tee-toht-l]
1. of or pertaining
, advocating, or pledged to total abstinence from intoxicating drink.
2. Informal. absolute; complete.
–verb (used without object)
3. to practice teetotalism.
Without ever losing her essential innocence, Bettie makes the transition from small-town sex object to big-city camera-club model and beyond.
Mol's fetchingly bewigged Bettie is a simple country girl—God-fearing and teetotaling.
Dreaming of a stage career and studying the Method, she's cheerfully game for any sort of dress-up (or down). Bettie can't act but she can pose—that's the source of her pleasure, and that pleasure is infectious.
So too her good nature: Bettie's goodness transforms the world. She is impervious [to] exploitation. Even the Klaws are shown as an affable pair of trolls.
Irving (Chris Bauer) offers his models "some beautiful sliced brisket" while sister Paula (Lili Taylor) teaches the lesson of erotic tolerance: "It takes all types."
and asks her irascibly [inebriated] uncle to translate.
He was [intrepid] in his business, but in his personal affairs, absolutely [audacious]
this [fetid] mood piece [embraces] split-psyche trauma (Fight Club)
that Trevor's [cackling], Lynchian arc-[welder] friend (John Sharian) is imaginary, and much of what [transpires] has a [tepid] hallucinatory [aura].