
1. the act of guarding, protecting, 
guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship. 

2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of Spanish increased under private tutelage
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor

Not surprisingly, she wants to be an actress, so she goes to New York, where she [falls] under the benevolent tutelage of a Method acting coach (Austin Pendleton), but onstage, huffing her way through Shaw, she’s stiff and unsure of herself. 

Only when
she’s posing does she feel free and powerful and blessed. No matter how many times she is photographed, the camera cannot steal her soul.
1. a mood of sulking anger; a fit of resentment: Just because you disagree, don't walk off in a huff. 
–verb (used with object)
5. Slang. to inhale the vapors of in order to become intoxicated: to huff glue. 


of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an uncle
His treatment of her was more [avuncular] than amorous
Avuncular, vulnerable, rueful, sweet, firm, melancholy, hopeful, and determined -- all at the same time -- Duchesne's work here is a simply superb.

His knowledge of Spanish increased under private [tutelage]. 
where she [falls] under the benevolent tutelage of a Method acting coach
She also claims to see something in Hal that others don't, and urges him to join the debate squad [under] her tutelage. Thoroughly smitten, Hal agrees.
The gang consists of a tough, straight-talker named Tony Stephanois; a young man [under] Tony's tutelage named Jo,
while Aaron's absurdly petulant reaction to his pensive little sister's [spelling] tutorials leaves his [bhakti] in serious doubt.
Well, it's a little strange to be travelling with a chaperone.
Set during the Edwardian Era, the film stars Helena Bonham Carter as Lucy Honeychurch, who like all proper young British ladies is compelled to tour Europe in the company of an older chaperone -- in this instance, her [spinster] cousin Charlotte Bartlett.
Daisy! lt's all right. You have my permission. Jordan will chaperone.
Along the way, he helped bring rave culture to Britain under the [aegis] of the legendary Hacienda nightclub.

routine, a fixed, habitual, or mechanical course of procedure
to learn a language by rote. cf. by heart
There's nothing voluntary about this activism, it's [rote], [robotic], and trancelike.
"Hurt me!," she begs at the start of their first sexual encounter, and he willingly obliges -- are [rote] and undeveloped.
The final scenes of martial law and [social] cauterization provide a convincing climax that recalls Night of the Living Dead, but too much of what goes before seems [rote] and [predictable].
the function or work of a teacher, teaching
Yes, now this narrow-minded pedagogy will show you how the things should be done.
Not exactly two plus two equals four, but, also what you might expect when the pedagogic vibe turns out to be more Sacher-Masoch than Montessori.
intended for instruction, instructive
The script's politics sound didactic in the listing, and they're moving in the execution. 

enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree
After we spoke yesterday, I realized I only checked our graduates. So I looked in our matriculates, and there he was. Nathaniel Anthony Ayers enrolled in 1970, and he dropped out toward the end
of his second year.
What, you mean, like go here, like matriculate?

an excessively conservative or old-fashioned person, esp. intellectually dull
Maybe the hotshot newcomers generate an attractive [aura] around themselves, so that editors would rather jump on the bandwagon than seem like [old] fogeys.
In 1965, she attracted the attention of Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham, who gave her a chance to record for his Immediate label, though the resulting single, which also featured Brian Jones and Jimmy Page on guitars, flopped
Shortly afterward, she moved to New York, where Andy Warhol [installed] her as a [vestigial] presence and occasional lead singer for the Velvet Underground.
That blacktop highway, all cracked and fissured, overgrown with weeds, a vestige of ancient civilization
Unfortunately, the [celluloid] Naumanns (as [screenwritten] by Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal) are mere vestiges of their source,
Much has been said of the strumpet of yore.【文】昔時,往昔
I had a punctured tire. I had to wait an eon for assistance.【地】極長時期

make perpetual
preserve from extinction or oblivion: to perpetuate one's [name]
As can be expected from the media-obsessed Haneke, the movie explores the power of images and the artist's complicity in [perpetuating] social attitudes.

Graduation turned out to be a bittersweet ceremony for Kendal. While honored to be the valedictorian of her class, there was an unmistakeable air of sadness over the sudden death of Ryan Ashby.【美】(畢業典禮時) 致告別辭的學生代表




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