1. an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion.
2. a saying; maxim.
3. obiter dictum.
dictum (n.)
"an authoritative saying or statement of a principle or opinion,' has two Standard plurals: dicta and dictums.
Packed with movement and chatter, the anarchic sequence is the ultimate expression of Tati's dictum of "democracy" within the frame. The complex and rigorous mise-en-scéne gives the attentive eye several gags to choose from; foregrounds, middle, and backgrounds teem with movement.
It's a radical approach that pays tribute to the audience's ability to see and think for itself. For a coda, Tati picked an appropriately ecstatic showstopper: the giddiest traffic jam ever recorded on film.
The ideological flipside of the apocalyptic bumper-to-bumper freeway in Godard's Weekend, another landmark movie from 1967, Playtime's carnivalesque gridlock is the perfect culminating metaphor for a movie that sees the modern world as a source of both wonder and bemusement.
極端嚴重的全面交通壅塞 (無車能動)
aphorism (short, wisdom)
adage (old saying accepted as a truth)
apothegm (terse)
maxim (concise statement of a principle, truth or rule of conduct, 座右銘是也) rudder
proverb (folksy, widely accepted)
(old) saw (familiar saying, sometimes distorted)
Punk rock's first great embodiment of the motto "live fast and die young," Sid Vicious joined The Sex Pistols when they were already established as the most controversial rock band in British history
a self-evident, obvious truth.
but it does suggest a few [pop-song] truisms