
–verb (used with object) 
to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound. 

To be amazed, awestruck or suprised into a lapse in action. 
To stop what one is doing because 
the shock of an event or action. 

I was flabbergast at the previously posted example for flabbergast, which prompted my entry for the word. 


the ideal example, epitome, quintessence
Considered by some as the [apotheosis] of all Ingmar Bergman films (other likely candidates for that honor include Wild Strawberries and Persona)
This poem is the [apotheosis] of lyric expression.  
The prevalent theory that Jean-Luc Godard had intended Weekend as the apotheosis of his career is [bolstered] by the film's last two titles: "End of Film." "End of Cinema."
Bullock, however, is not a paragon [compared] to Buttermaker
a decent, upright, mature, and responsible person.
Perhaps by seeking the advice of three trusted rabbis, Larry can finally learn to cope with his afflictions and become a [genuine] mensch.
You call up this Raglan, and you be a real mensch with him.

lovingly captured in the [redoubtable] Ellen Kuras's agile, sun-[burnished] cinematography

integrity and uprightness; honesty
mistakes [self-righteousness] for [probity]. 
We are saved, from time to time, not so much by the [rectitude] of the Charles Lanes as by the [dogged] curiosity of the Adam Penenbergs. 
gingerly a. adv.
Myla Goldberg's 2000 bestseller [centered] on an 11-year-old spelling [whiz] delves gingerly [into] mystical territory in [charting] the separate paths explored by the [quartet] of characters.

A tour-de-force of action, gore and wit, DAWN OF THE DEAD is exciting filmmaking, but is not for the squeamish.
an uneasy feeling or pang of conscience as to conduct, compunction
He has no qualms about [lying]. 
a sudden qualm about the [success] of the venture. 
Alain Delon is both a blank [slate] and an eager young man on the make, like Tony Curtis' Sidney Falco with no [qualms] about making compromises because he has no [morals] to compromise.
but this go-between -- played with suave [expediency] by Depp -- has no such [qualms].
Ray has her own ethnic qualm[s]. What if the Pakistanis she is carrying across the border are terrorists?
I expect to be here for a very long time. And to think what qualms I had. I was so afraid.
I was picked up at 2:00 p.m. I have been very sweet and good. I have worked out a little more of our plan. Peculiarly enough, I have no qualms of conscience. I arose late and helped Mother vigorously this morning.
It’s old news that big-name celebrities who’d never [lend] their image to a television commercial in the states suffer few [compunctions] about doing so for the Japanese market. 
I’ve never quite gotten what’s so ignoble about [shilling] for the man here at home, especially since the idea of a Hollywood talent not wanting to be considered a sellout is laughably paradoxical, but nevertheless the trend continues with only rare exceptions. 
All my friends go home by subway, don't they? But they don't have|the same advantages you do... and besides l'm sick of you and your scruples.

worthy of imitation, commendable
serving as a warning
This exemplary film won the top prize, the Golden Lion award at the 1962 Venice Film Festival and also won the Grand Prize at the 1962 San Francisco Film Festival.
admonish & encourage!!!
where they expostulate their [views] on life and reflect on the state of their relationships with one another
a person or thing that expounds
an exponent of modern [theory] in the arts.  
[Lincoln] is an exponent of American democracy.  
As a strict [exponent] of unpleasure, however, Haneke will permit none of the narrative thrills the Coens provide in their funny games.
Perhaps the most [harrowing] of Tsai Ming-Liang's meditations on urban isolation and communication breakdown, The River is a reliably [demanding] exponent of the Taiwanese filmmaker's cinema.
"I knew Sam could [handle] the exposition we needed, and that’s why we added the character of Hammer, who is quite different here than he is in the comics," said Favreau.
Unable to [organically] incorporate their Big Ideas into the narrative, the filmmakers lazily lay them on top, leaving the exposition of Another Earth’s structuring fantasy to a blanket of background voiceover.
sermon on a Biblical topic, of a nondoctrinal nature
At times, especially when soft talk/big stick counselor Don Cheadle is pressed into [preacher] mode, the mood gets Sipowicz-style homiletic. 

The fanatical student movement known as the Red Guard has emerged as a genuinely potent reactionary political force which will seize upon any excuse to justify the expulsionof all foreigners from China. It is, therefore, incumbent upon all Western diplomatic personnel to maintain the lowest possible profile.
to be necessary or proper for, be incumbent on, as for moral or ethical considerations
It behooves the court to weigh evidence [im]partially.  
It would behoove [you] to be nicer to those who could help you. 
W. feels like a rough draft of a film it might behoove [him] to remake in 10 or 15 years.
If it's customary here to allow a man charged with first degree murder to wander about at will, I don't suppose it behooves an outsider to point out that the law makes no provision for such quaint liberalism.
an urging, or a very strong request
At the [president's] behest, we made an appointment with the foreign minister. 
it managed to get censored [at] the behest of the Catholic Legion of Decency and,
As well as the alcohol industry [badgering] Paramount Pictures [into] not releasing the film, the studio was also [besieged] by [temperance] groups lobbying that the film shouldn't be released, as it would only encourage drinking. It was released on a limited engagement [at] Billy Wilder's behest. Reviewers fell all over themselves in their praise of it, thus prompting Paramount to take the plunge and give it a wide release. 
Much of the fighting done by Fran was at the behest of Gaylen Ross, who refused to play a character who would not fight the zombies on her own.

Guy bids goodbye to Bruno, thinking nothing more of the affable but rather curious young man's homicidal theories.
cf. amicable
You're too lenient, Mr. Allworthy.
If there is something that strikes you as really unusual but you don't think it's very good, let me know. Especially early in the submission process, it's easy to be lenient, to go below the mark.
Our reputation is at stake. Our own good name. I blame myself. I have been [too] lenient.
Although, by the time of this movie, the British police were tending towards [leniency] in their treatment of homosexual offenders, it would not be until the Sexual Offences Act 1967 (citation 1967 c.60) that homosexuality between consenting males over the age of 21 was decriminalized.
generous in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness
But, of course, for a magnanimous [rascal] like Fox, any minor hindrance can be turned to his advantage, and after settling into his new place, he uses his proximity to the three facilities to pull off one last heist... at each farm.

The Radio 4 film critic Nigel Floyd goes some way to explaining Norton's caprice. "I think he's an interesting character," he says. "But he seems to be out of kilter with current cinema.
The Shaw Brothers and other kung-fu influences that have [flavored] his music since the debut of the Wu-Tang Clan have been [poured] into this film, which looks like an [orgy] of crazy fights, off-kilter film stock and intentionally overcooked dubbing. 

Yeah? I feel so scrumptious! Goody for you.【口】絕妙的,極好的
you care to wear my black dilly? 極好的東西,傑出人物
You were right, Sidney. This boy is a dilly.

doctrine or practice of vigorous action or involvement as a means of achieving political or other goals, sometimes by demonstrations, protests, etc
On a level that has nothing to do with activism, Fruitvale is a good film wrapped around excellent work from Jordan.




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