amoebic dysentery
1. of, pertaining
or resembling an ameba.
2. characterized by or due to the presence of amebas, as certain diseases.
Also, amebic.
1. Pathology. an infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with diarrhea that becomes mucous (黏液的) and hemorrhagic. (出血)
2. diarrhea.
His production can be described as a series of emergencies. A border war between Peru and Ecuador prevented him from using his first location. He found another location and shot for four months with Jason Robards playing Fitzcarraldo and Mick Jagger playing his loony sidekick.
Then Robards [contracted] amoebic dysentery and flew home, forbidden by his doctors to return, and Jagger dropped out. Herzog turned to Klaus Kinski, the legendary wild man who had starred in his "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" (1972) and "Nosferatu" (1979). Kinski was a better choice for the role than Robards, for the same reason a real boat was better than a model: Robards would have been playing a madman, but to see Kinski is to be convinced of his ruling angers and demons.
1. lunatic; insane.
2. extremely or senselessly foolish.
Herzog has always been more fascinated by image than story, and here he sears his images [into] the film. He worked with indigenous Amazonian Indians, whose faces become one of the important elements of the work. An early scene shows Fitzcarraldo awakened from sleep to find his bed surrounded by children.
There is a scene where Indians gaze impassively at the river, not even noticing Fitzcarraldo as he ranges up and down their line, peering wildly into their faces. There is another scene where he and his boat crew eat dinner while Indians crowd into the mess room and stare at them. And scenes simply of faces, watchful, judgmental, trying to [divine] what drives the man in the white suit.
rickety 患軟骨病的
cholera 咖,霍亂
aneurysm 動脈瘤
diabetes 逼特,糖尿病
coronary 冠狀動脈 cf. corollary
pulmonary 肺病的
leukemia 白血病
hemorrhage 出血
stasis 瘀血
vitreous 玻璃體的 The film is filled to dazzling with the [vitreous] and the [translucent]
tympanic 鼓膜的