

膠土 (由黏土與水和成,不透水)


1. a small pool of water, as of rainwater on the ground.
2. a small pool of any liquid.
3. clay or the like mixed with water and tempered, used as a waterproof lining for the walls of canals, ditches, etc. 

–verb (used with object) 
4. to mark or scatter with puddles.
5. to wet with dirty water, mud, etc.
6. to make (water) muddy or dirty.
7. to muddle or confuse.
8. to make (clay or the like) into puddle.
9. to cover with pasty clay or puddle. 
10. Metallurgy. to subject (molten iron) to the process of puddling.
11. to destroy the granular (粒狀的) structure of (soil) by agricultural operations on it when it is too wet.
12. Horticulture. (園藝) to dip the roots of (a tree, shrub, etc.) into a thin mixture of loam (壤土) and water to retard drying out during transplanting. 

–verb (used without object) 
13. to wade in a puddle: The [children] were puddling
14. to be or become puddled: The backyard was puddling.  

Fans of the director praise his metaphysical powers, but that claim, in any filmmaker, is to be approached with caution. The sole reason that Kieślowski, like Bergman, has earned the right to offer us glances into the beyond is that his grip on the here and now is so unerring; witness Veronika’s scraping of dead leaves along the top of a wall, the [splash] of her shoes in a [sun]-flashing puddle, the trailing end of Véronique’s scarf in a hospital corridor, and the closing shot of her palm on the bark—the reliable roughness—of a [tree].

As you watch the golden flutter of light that darts around Véronique’s room, you might reasonably wonder if Kieślowski was schooled in metempsychosis, or spiritual [trans]migration, but you could also ask whether, as a boy, he had listened to tales of Tinkerbell. The film is filled to dazzling with the [vitreous] and the [translucent]; the flaw running down the window of a Polish train seems, in some mystifying way, as momentous as a rift in space[-]time. We see through a glass darkly, and often confusingly, but at least we see.


quandary stalemate
We were bogged [down] by overwork. 
trying to survive but instead sinking deeper and [deeper] into the [morass] of poverty.


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