1. the art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc.,
gestures without speech.
2. a play or entertainment in which the performers express themselves mutely by gestures, often to the accompaniment of music.
3. significant gesture without speech.
4. an actor in dumb show, as in ancient Rome.
5. Also called Christmas pantomime. a form of theatrical spectacle common in England during the Christmas season, generally adapted from a fairy tale and including stock character types who perform songs and dances, tell jokes, etc.
–verb (used with object)
6. to represent or express in pantomime.
–verb (used without object)
7. to express oneself in pantomime.
But enough small-minded literalism; Gondry would seem to have intended "Be Kind Rewind" more as a generous, sweet-tempered comic fable. But the souffle never [rises], for reasons that begin with the fact that the disheveled Jerry seems like a certifiable lunatic in immediate need of extended treatment.
With the exception of a couple of nice pantomimic moves immediately after having been [zapped], Black overdoes it awfully here in an overwhelmingly unamusing performance. No matter what he did, Def couldn't help but seem low-key by contrast, but, in any event, his mild-mannered turn makes a soft impact.
蛋白牛奶酥 (以起泡蛋白為主烤成的酥鬆食品)
Solondz not only plays his stark exercise in universal objectification as a Zen parable but blatantly inscribes the anticipated critical response. As befits a movie by a onetime yeshiva student, Storytelling is to be understood as a work of commentary. Despite (or perhaps because of) Solondz's uninflected compositions and ongoing autocritique, Storytelling—which is accompanied by a soundtrack of breathy, celestial laughter—will strike some as cold and even repellent. Now a victim as well as a victim lover, Vi finally has something to write about. She makes use of her misadventure as the basis for her next story, and the class is suitably appalled: "Do people have to be so ugly? It's perverted. It's mean-spirited," not to mention racist, misogynist, and exploitative.
Storytelling's second tale, "Non-Fiction," is less finely tuned in its cruelties and performances but even more self-reflexive—not the least because it involves a nebbishy documentary filmmaker with a passing resemblance to Solondz. A disheveled dweeb with horn-rimmed glasses, Toby (Paul Giamatti) is first seen cold-calling a girl he jilted in high school 20 years before because he's heard she has become a producer. As though a graduate of Mr. Scott's class, Toby is looking for funding to make a documentary on teenage suburban life, with an appropriately deconstructivist narration. Searching for a graduating senior to profile, Toby stumbles [upon] Scooby (Mark Webber), a pot-smoking slacker whose ambition is to serve as sidekick to Conan O'Brien. Theirs is a pact of mutual exploitation: Scooby may be dazed and confused, but he agrees to cooperate because he knows about The Blair Witch Project and has heard of Sundance.
- Dec 13 Sat 2008 12:33