
–verb (used with object)
1. to show clearly; make evident 
manifest; prove. 

2. to reveal the possession of (a quality, trait, etc.). 

Polish master Krzysztof Kieslwoski's most ravishing film is an ethereal rhapsody [grounded] in the resolutely sensual presence of its lead, Irene Jacob. With its oblique story line, cryptic rhyming patterns, and focus on mood and tone, this elusive movie is more poem than narrative. Slawomir Idziak's shimmering cinematography gives the movie a [spectral] sheen, perfectly conveying the rich and shifting mysteries of coincidence, fate, and human connection Kieslowski explores. The movie bears more than a passing resemblance to Kieslowski's final film, Red, yet another movie that evinces the filmmaker's [obsession] with fraternity, not to mention Irene Jacob's face.



Refer > 
Mention >
Punctuating those long takes with extreme close-ups, the actors' brief moments of silent emotional revelation allude [to] the feelings [masked] by the jokes, songs, and dances that constitute their interactions.
his participation a cunning [pretzel] of allusive logic
deliberately, often falsely
a [document] purporting to be [official].  
the [main] purport of your letter.  

We have one of those thingamajigs in our house, too.
All clues lead to a mysterious box -- the "Great Whatsit," as Hammer's secretary Velda (Maxine Cooper) describes it.

bring forward in argument or as evidence, cite as pertinent or conclusive
Taking into consideration the facts and adduced before us, and in accordance with responsibility and discretion, vested in us by the state the commission hereby revokes your license as a boxer, effective immediately.

They [con]nived to take over the business.  
The policeman connived [at] traffic violations.  
drunken mothers; [conniving] fathers; double-crossing sweethearts
he has never played King Lear, the aging monarch who selects his successor by [parsing] his kingdom in three parts, ruled by his trio of daughters. Two of them are scheming [connivers] who flatter their father,
Before long, it becomes apparent that naïve Eve is a [Machiavellian] conniver who [cold]-bloodedly [uses] Margo, her director Bill Sampson, Lloyd's wife Karen, and [waspish] critic Addison De Witt to rise to the [top] of the theatrical [heap].
Make a pretty story: "The Senator's Daughter InvoIved With A Married Man." EspeciaIIy when he's to be a father. You conniving Iiar!
assent tacitly, submit or comply silently or without protest
However, Paramount was convinced that the only way they could sell such a film was with a matinée idol in the lead. Billy Wilder acquiesced [to] this only when it became clear that his first choice, José Ferrer, would not [land] the part.
He corroborated [my account] of the accident. 
[evidence] to corroborate his testimony
The spirit's existence seems to be somehow further corroborated when an escaped prisoner holes [up] in a [neighboring] barn and is discovered and aided by Ana. 
Mr. Conway, I have got independent corroboration.

Decry means "to speak out strongly against, to disapprove publicly and [emphatically]"
Fact that, after its [fleeting] theatrical [runs], this New Line release will rapidly move to its natural home on DVD -- but emphatically [not ]on VHS -- ironically [under]scores the film's [screwy] cultural and technological disjunctures. 
A large departure for director Joseph Losey, better known for [brooding] interpretations of Harold Pinter works (The Servant, Accident), the film is emphatically bright and colorful, taking [on] at times a nearly psychedelic [feel].
to be used jocularly
She opined that he would [lose] the contest. 

cf. evict
yet another movie that [evinces] the filmmaker's obsession with fraternity, not to mention Irene Jacob's face.
and the time goes by easily, with no sense of [dawdling], waste or indulgence. The film [evinces] a sure hand that maintains narrative confidence,
Stillman [evinces] stellar performances from his cast of then- (and in most cases, still-) unknowns, 
All this notwithstanding, Allen [evinces] spry, witty turns from his supporting cast,
The film, however, [evinces] a bias in the fact that female nudity is never presented with the same kind of decent simplicity as is male.
Though "women's liberation" was never mentioned, John Cassavetes's [timely] dissection of a wife's coming undone wrenchingly revealed the insolvable contradictions of [domesticity]. 
With his signature "improvisational" yet scripted style, Cassavetes used hand-held long takes, close-ups, and zooms to [mine] the [minute] details of character and emotion [evinced] by his wife Gena Rowlands 
and his frequent collaborator Peter Falk as blue-collar couple Mabel and Nick, [registering] the complex effects of Mabel's claustrophobic existence on her "unusual" psyche.
His Ben Wade needs to be capable of doing just about anything at any point. He certainly has the soul of an artist, as evinced by his gentle, detailed sketchings of a lover; and he most certainly has the [steely] [resolve] of a killer. 
At first I disagreed with this minor yet tolerably vocal crowd, since that movie evinces hard-hitting, unquestionable emotions.
Malle travels more deeply into the self-destructive mindset than any filmmaker before or since -- a decision that evinces boundless courage and humanistic empathy.
a person who zealously advocates an ideology
Yet he was not the monolithic [ideologue] of his public image, and one of the important achievements of Lee's film is the way he brings us along with Malcolm, so that anyone, black or white, will be able to understand the progression of his thinking. 

the act of willing, choosing, or resolving 
exercise of willing 
She left [of] her [own] volition.
It gives me absolutely [no] pleasure whatsoever to see our young schoolgirls throwing their lives away. Although, of course, you are not one of our schoolgirls any more. Through your [own] volition.
incisive or keen, as language or a person, caustic
A more [scathing] and [trenchant] teen movie has rarely been made than Heathers.
A trenchant [satire] of "trash TV," Network seems to grow only more relevant with each passing year.
Thanks to Jeremy Irons' performance, Reversal of Fortune is less a conventional murder mystery than a trenchant social satire, a scathing study of a morally corrupt upper class.

adv. of necessity, necessarily, by force of circumstance
"Ofttimes perforce, the officers were compelled to use their muskets, firing overthe natives' heads."
make known by open declaration, publish, proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.)
You get satisfaction out of this? You think you're making a contribution? You're, like, sort of [publicly] promulgating vacuities.

make known, tell, relate, disclose
give, bestow, communicate
Incorporating many of the thematic and formal concerns of the Soviet master's career, the film has a [twilit], haunted quality, no doubt [imparted] by its ominous nuclear holocaust scenario and Tarkovsky's death from cancer just months after its completion.




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