1. Rhetoric.
a. any literary or rhetorical device, as metaphor, metonymy (轉喻), synecdoche (提喻), and irony, that consists in the use of words in other than their literal sense.
b. an instance of this. Compare figure of speech.
2. a phrase, sentence, or verse formerly interpolated (插入新語句) in a liturgical text to amplify or embellish.
3. (in the philosophy of Santayana) the principle of organization according to which matter moves to form an object during the various stages of its existence.
Liturgical music is heard as Nikolai kneels in his underwear, displaying his prison tattoos, for induction [into] the crime family. "I am already dead. I died when I was 15. Now I live in the Zone all the time," he assures his examiners.
pontificate tyro hierophant
But Kevin Smit [acolytes] would insist that is the point:
Garrel was a [protégé] of Eustache and planned this work as an homage.
tonsure Benediction cabalism
the movie is a veritable scrapbook of tropes from the heyday of art film.
Maybe that's why it feels gauzy and quaint. Yet time passes pleasantly. As Accio, who joins the Fascist party because he's got little else, Elio Germano is dim, scrappy, likable — Jughead as a hothead.
Story is bookended by scenes on an Israeli kibbutz in 1956, where Rachel Rosenthal, nee Stein (Dutch thesp du jour Carice van Houten), accidentally meets former wartime friend Ronnie (Halina Reijn, spirited). This spurs one long flashback to WWII. The brief return to Israel at pic's end contains one rapid visual trope that may pass many auds by.
elliptical syncopate
permutation & combination
an immediate consequence or easily drawn conclusion
as a kind of microcosmic [analogue] (and [corollary])
corroborate (confirm)
He corroborated [my account] of the accident.
[evidence] to corroborate his testimony
She opined that he would [lose] the contest.