

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    擠作一團;聚在一起[(+together)]
                      The children huddled together like a flock of sheep.
          2.    蜷縮,縮成一團[(+up)]
          3.    偎依[(+against)]
                      She huddled against her sister.
          4.    【口】(私下)開會;(暗中)碰頭
                      They huddled to discuss the matter.

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    把...緊擠在一起[H][(+together/up/into)]
                      Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard.
          2.    使蜷縮,使縮成一團[(+up)]
                      The old man lay huddled up in bed.
          3.    使偎依[(+against)]
          4.    匆忙穿上[(+on)]
          5.    草率完成;倉促做成[(+through/up)]

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    雜亂的一團(或一堆,一群)
                      There was a huddle of people around the injured man.
          2.    混亂,雜亂
          3.    (美式足球)隊員賽前在爭球線後面舉行的指示聽取會
          4.    【口】祕密的商量;私下碰頭會

–verb (used without object) 
1. to gather or crowd together in a close mass. 
2. to crouch, curl up, or draw oneself together. 
3. Football. to get together in a huddle. 
4. to confer or consult; meet to discuss, exchange ideas, or make a decision.  

–verb (used with object)
5. to heap or crowd together closely. 
6. to draw (oneself) closely together, as in crouching; nestle (often fol. by up). 
7. Chiefly British. to do hastily and carelessly (often fol. by up, over, or together). 
8. to put on (clothes) with careless haste (often fol. by on).  

9. a closely gathered group, mass, or heap; bunch. 
10. Football. a gathering of the offensive team in a close circle or line behind the line of scrimmage for instructions, signals, etc., from the team captain or quarterback, usually held before each offensive play. 
11. a conference, or consultation, esp. a private meeting to discuss serious matters: 

The labor [representatives] have been in a huddle for two hours.  

12. confusion or disorder.  

Rasheed Wallace Enters 76ers Huddle

Just after "Hurt Locker" screened Monday night, Voltage Pictures prexy (院長) Nicholas Chartier showed up at Summit's party, 

where he fielded [calls]. 
He also huddled with Summit's Rob Friedman.

【美】【口】學長; 院長
The Minister had to field some tricky [questions] from the reporters.

BERLIN — Peter Fonda has been [elected] prexy of the feature film [jury] at the Zurich Film Festival, which announced its lineup Thursday.

Paramount's John Lesher, New Line's Toby Emmerich, Harvey Weinstein, Fox Searchlight, Focus Features, Overture, Miramax, Sony Pictures Classics, Summit, IFC 

and others were huddling afterwards.

The likely buyer will be taking a risk on a movie that could win over critics and Academy actors but would be a challenge to bring to market, observers agreed.


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